Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Guarantee a Pregnancy - The Secret Formula to Get You Pregnant

We have sex for two reasons...
Right? One is for pleasure, but the other reason is to create offspring...
to procreate.
But you're having difficulties getting pregnant...
It seems like everything that you try, no matter how much planning, whatever you do, you just can't seem to get pregnant.
One of the most painful things for a woman is to be seen as infertile...
Virility is such a valued trait in our culture today that not only would it be extremely painful to know that you could never have a child of your own, but also you'd have to deal with people knowing about it.
But you shouldn't worry...
It's very unlikely that you're completely infertile, some people just have to be a little smarter about getting pregnant than others.
What I'd like to talk to you about today is what you can do to get pregnant.
The first and most basic technique to ensure that you get pregnant is to learn when the correct time of the month is for you to have sex...
Or in other words, when you're most fertile.
Women are most fertile while they are ovulating, so it's just a matter of figuring out when, during the month, you're ovulating, and if you make sure to have sex then, it will greatly increase the likelihood of getting pregnant.
One way to tell if you're ovulating or not is to examine the cervical mucus...
Basically evaluate the texture of the mucus...
The thicker it is, the more unlikely it is that you're ovulating, and thus the more unlikely it is that you will get pregnant.
So, if you really want to get pregnant, wait until you're quite confidant that it's a good time, and then try having sex then.
Another thing to be careful about is to make sure that you remain lying down directly after sex.
It takes the sperm a little bit of time to reach the eggs, and if you stand up and start moving around then your body begins to work against you.
Instead of allowing the sperm to move freely, you make it difficult by making them work against gravity and the movement of your body.
So, try and avoid getting up directly after sex...
It makes the sperm have to work much harder, and if the sperm have to work harder, then it's less likely that you'll get pregnant.
You may even try elevating your hips a little bit, maybe place a pillow or something underneath them, as this will actually help the sperm move along.
A general rule of thumb is that it takes around 10 to 15 minutes for the sperm to successfully reach the eggs, so time yourself and stay in that position for that amount of time.
I hope that these techniques help you to get pregnant!
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