Think diet and exercise are the key compounds to losing weight? Think again.
Most people have that extra 5 pounds that they just can't seem to lose, no matter how many crunches and power-walks they actively engage.
Instead of sucking in that tummy whenever you think of hitting the beach, there is one simple step to shed those extra pounds and alleviate that "puffy" look hanging around your waist.
The simple trick? No, not a corset.
The secret is: Increasing your water intake! Yes, it's as simple as that.
When trying to trim down or lose excessive amounts of weight, many people overlook how much water they are (or aren't) consuming.
Most people don't drink enough water.
And most people are, as a result, battling the bulge of abdominal bloat.
How does hydration effect weight? Physiologically.
Our bodies are composed of 78% - 55% water, depending on age, gender and body type.
Being hydrated is essential for weight-loss and for a healthy body, in general.
To optimize your weight-loss potential, it is imperative that you properly hydrate your body, each day.
When you are hydrated, your body is working to its maximum level of health.
Proper hydration promotes healthy bodily function and excels the metabolic rate, causing you to burn more calories.
Drinking water also helps your body to filter excess calories and impurities; depleting your body of daily toxins.
Being well-hydrated help you to feel boosts of energy throughout the day, causing you to want to exercise more.
Subsequently, dehydration too effects one's weight.
Dehydration is a key element of obesity and weight fluctuations.
When you are dehydrated, your body quickly begins to go into a state of shock.
Water is crucial for proper functions of all of our organs, cells, and brain chemistry.
Being properly hydrated is essential for a healthy body.
Dehydration leads to poor concentration, emotional imbalances, weight-gain and, eventually, death.
Symptoms of dehydration include feeling fatigue and ill.
If you're feeling tired and sick, you are not going to be able to exercise and help maintain steady weight-loss.
Yet another reason being hydrated is necessary for losing weight and staying in shape.
If you can't even get out of bed, how are you ever going go for that morning jog? To combat this, you must drink an ideal amount of water, every day - beginning when you awaken and ending before you sleep at night.
You must be properly hydrated, at all times.
Once your body and all of its organs are properly hydrated, you'll lose more weight in a shorter period of time than with diet and exercise alone.
A dehydrated body is a body working over-time.
Your heart-rate increases, your kidneys begin to shut down, and your liver then begins to do the kidneys' job.
If your liver is working twice as hard, acting as both the liver and picking up the kidneys' slack, then your liver cannot burn as much fat.
You then are unable to burn as much stored fat and will retain all calories consumed per day.
This is why your metabolism slows down when you are dehydrated.
A low or imbalanced metabolism promotes chronic weight-gain.
Also: when dehydrated, the body is then prone to retaining water, causing the abdominal area to bloat and protrude.
Once your body and all of its organs are properly hydrated, the liver will then be able to burn stored fat.
Drinking an appropriate amount of water for your body will also propel your body to then release retained water.
The "puffy" look will cease and your dreams of the perfect beach body will be realized! Drinking water also helps your urinary-tract system work to its optimal potential.
How much water does one need a day? The general consensus is about 3 liters a day.
However, each individual requires a certain amount for his or her body.
To find out how much water your body, specifically, needs each day: take your weight and divide it in half.
That number is your starting point.
If you weigh 120 lbs.
, then the minimal ounces of water you need a day is 60.
Factor in how active you are, or how much you perspire.
If you are exercising, then you will need even more water to rehydrate before, during and after your work-out regime, depending on the types of exercise and how much you exert yourself.
To consume the required amount of water each day may seem like a bit of a plight or unrealistic, as it's a lot of water.
However, you can easily obtain the recommended amount not only by drinking water, but also by eating lots of fruit and vegetables.
Fruits and veggies are loaded with water, and will aid in re-hydrating your body.
Drinking before and during meals will help you to eat a sensible serving size, as well as increase your fluid intake.
Never gorge on water, as this could result in water toxicity.
Ideally, you must rehydrate throughout the day so that your body is a healthy, fat-fighting machine.
It is not ideal to drink carbonated, caffeinated or sweetened beverages - as they tend to act as diuretics and contain empty calories.
Only drink clean, pure water.
Water should be your main source of fluid.
Anything that isn't pure water will not hydrate you, even if it's technically a fluid.
10 glasses of cold water, a day, burns an extra 300 calories.
If that isn't an incentive to increase one's water intake, then nothing is.
Water is nature's secret to weight loss.
It is a natural appetite suppressant.
When you drink water, your stomach feels more full by the end of a meal than if you were to eat that meal without drinking.
By not drinking water, you're prone to overeating and a lower metabolic rate.
Not a winning combination, if you're trying to lose weight.
Also, many people mistake thirst for hunger.
If you are parched, your body cannot differentiate between true hunger and thirst.
This may lead to frequent snacking or multiple helpings of a meal.
Drinking water before and during meals will help to hydrate your body and lead to less hunger-pains throughout the day.
For many reasons, keep your body well-hydrated is possibly the main component of weight-loss and will help you achieve a healthy body and lifestyle in a shorter period of time.
It's readily available and delicious on a hot day, so drink up and enjoy!
Most people have that extra 5 pounds that they just can't seem to lose, no matter how many crunches and power-walks they actively engage.
Instead of sucking in that tummy whenever you think of hitting the beach, there is one simple step to shed those extra pounds and alleviate that "puffy" look hanging around your waist.
The simple trick? No, not a corset.
The secret is: Increasing your water intake! Yes, it's as simple as that.
When trying to trim down or lose excessive amounts of weight, many people overlook how much water they are (or aren't) consuming.
Most people don't drink enough water.
And most people are, as a result, battling the bulge of abdominal bloat.
How does hydration effect weight? Physiologically.
Our bodies are composed of 78% - 55% water, depending on age, gender and body type.
Being hydrated is essential for weight-loss and for a healthy body, in general.
To optimize your weight-loss potential, it is imperative that you properly hydrate your body, each day.
When you are hydrated, your body is working to its maximum level of health.
Proper hydration promotes healthy bodily function and excels the metabolic rate, causing you to burn more calories.
Drinking water also helps your body to filter excess calories and impurities; depleting your body of daily toxins.
Being well-hydrated help you to feel boosts of energy throughout the day, causing you to want to exercise more.
Subsequently, dehydration too effects one's weight.
Dehydration is a key element of obesity and weight fluctuations.
When you are dehydrated, your body quickly begins to go into a state of shock.
Water is crucial for proper functions of all of our organs, cells, and brain chemistry.
Being properly hydrated is essential for a healthy body.
Dehydration leads to poor concentration, emotional imbalances, weight-gain and, eventually, death.
Symptoms of dehydration include feeling fatigue and ill.
If you're feeling tired and sick, you are not going to be able to exercise and help maintain steady weight-loss.
Yet another reason being hydrated is necessary for losing weight and staying in shape.
If you can't even get out of bed, how are you ever going go for that morning jog? To combat this, you must drink an ideal amount of water, every day - beginning when you awaken and ending before you sleep at night.
You must be properly hydrated, at all times.
Once your body and all of its organs are properly hydrated, you'll lose more weight in a shorter period of time than with diet and exercise alone.
A dehydrated body is a body working over-time.
Your heart-rate increases, your kidneys begin to shut down, and your liver then begins to do the kidneys' job.
If your liver is working twice as hard, acting as both the liver and picking up the kidneys' slack, then your liver cannot burn as much fat.
You then are unable to burn as much stored fat and will retain all calories consumed per day.
This is why your metabolism slows down when you are dehydrated.
A low or imbalanced metabolism promotes chronic weight-gain.
Also: when dehydrated, the body is then prone to retaining water, causing the abdominal area to bloat and protrude.
Once your body and all of its organs are properly hydrated, the liver will then be able to burn stored fat.
Drinking an appropriate amount of water for your body will also propel your body to then release retained water.
The "puffy" look will cease and your dreams of the perfect beach body will be realized! Drinking water also helps your urinary-tract system work to its optimal potential.
How much water does one need a day? The general consensus is about 3 liters a day.
However, each individual requires a certain amount for his or her body.
To find out how much water your body, specifically, needs each day: take your weight and divide it in half.
That number is your starting point.
If you weigh 120 lbs.
, then the minimal ounces of water you need a day is 60.
Factor in how active you are, or how much you perspire.
If you are exercising, then you will need even more water to rehydrate before, during and after your work-out regime, depending on the types of exercise and how much you exert yourself.
To consume the required amount of water each day may seem like a bit of a plight or unrealistic, as it's a lot of water.
However, you can easily obtain the recommended amount not only by drinking water, but also by eating lots of fruit and vegetables.
Fruits and veggies are loaded with water, and will aid in re-hydrating your body.
Drinking before and during meals will help you to eat a sensible serving size, as well as increase your fluid intake.
Never gorge on water, as this could result in water toxicity.
Ideally, you must rehydrate throughout the day so that your body is a healthy, fat-fighting machine.
It is not ideal to drink carbonated, caffeinated or sweetened beverages - as they tend to act as diuretics and contain empty calories.
Only drink clean, pure water.
Water should be your main source of fluid.
Anything that isn't pure water will not hydrate you, even if it's technically a fluid.
10 glasses of cold water, a day, burns an extra 300 calories.
If that isn't an incentive to increase one's water intake, then nothing is.
Water is nature's secret to weight loss.
It is a natural appetite suppressant.
When you drink water, your stomach feels more full by the end of a meal than if you were to eat that meal without drinking.
By not drinking water, you're prone to overeating and a lower metabolic rate.
Not a winning combination, if you're trying to lose weight.
Also, many people mistake thirst for hunger.
If you are parched, your body cannot differentiate between true hunger and thirst.
This may lead to frequent snacking or multiple helpings of a meal.
Drinking water before and during meals will help to hydrate your body and lead to less hunger-pains throughout the day.
For many reasons, keep your body well-hydrated is possibly the main component of weight-loss and will help you achieve a healthy body and lifestyle in a shorter period of time.
It's readily available and delicious on a hot day, so drink up and enjoy!