- 1). Call the number of your home phone service provider. Many phone companies have both land line and mobile divisions, so be sure to call the correct number. You will probably be forced to listen to a phone tree which will ask you what your problem is. Choose 'I want to cancel my service.' or 'talk to a customer service representative.'
- 2). Explain in a direct manner to the customer service representative that you wish to cancel your service. Speak in an authoritative, but friendly tone, and be firm with the person.
- 3). Tell the customer service representative that you are not interested in any options they might offer you in an attempt to keep you subscribed to your home phone service.
- 4). Ask to speak with a manager if you can't get the customer service representative to cancel your service. Explain to the manager in a clear and direct manner that you need to cancel your home service.
- 5). Ask for the name of the customer service representative and the ticket number for the cancellation of your service. You will need this information if you continue to receive bills from the company.