2007 had its ups and downs, as usual.
The Apple iphone was really cool, and blogging took on a life of it's own.
The Red Sox swept their way into another title and Paris spent jail time.
Obama surged via Oprah, Barry finally broke that record and a Disney cartoon rat stole the show at the movies.
Malibu burned again and Iraq calmed down a bit.
The housing market went south as oil prices climbed northward.
Those are just some of the highlights and lowlights, but, as usual, we didn't get want we rally wanted or needed.
So, for those of you who are still clueless, let me itemized a few of the more obvious things we could use:
You can add you own in the comments area.
Otherwise, all the best for a terrific 08 and try not to make too many resolutions that will most probably be broken or ignored anyway.
Whoever came up with that idea should be on this list as well.
In other words, start self-improvement projects anytime you're ready.
Over and out.
The Apple iphone was really cool, and blogging took on a life of it's own.
The Red Sox swept their way into another title and Paris spent jail time.
Obama surged via Oprah, Barry finally broke that record and a Disney cartoon rat stole the show at the movies.
Malibu burned again and Iraq calmed down a bit.
The housing market went south as oil prices climbed northward.
Those are just some of the highlights and lowlights, but, as usual, we didn't get want we rally wanted or needed.
So, for those of you who are still clueless, let me itemized a few of the more obvious things we could use:
- A daily pill that will have us shed all excess fat and allow us to eat anything we want.
- Cars that will run on water and can go 50 miles per gallon.
- Coach airline seats that are truly roomy and comfortable for five hour flights.
- Self-cleaning houses that will dust and vacuum themselves.
- Cell phones that can only be heard by the users, and not by the general public.
- Store clerks that are helpful, know their merchandise, and are not rude.
- Senators and Congressmen that pass useful bills and earn their salaries.
- A once a year Viagra pill that acts only when needed.
- Weather-people that use the word "rain" instead of "precipitation.
" - User-friendly electronic devices that don't require 300 page manuals.
- Toilet rolls that alert you when they are almost out and also replace themselves.
- US Postal mail that always arrives on time and never gets lost.
- TSA screeners that are nice, efficient, and add more stations for long lines.
- TV comedies that are actually funny without being sexist or degrading.
- Sales that are legitimate and really save you money.
- The virtual elimination of email spam.
- Family members that won't embarrass you at gatherings or in public.
- AA and AAA batteries that last more than a few weeks.
- Income tax forms and paperwork that are created for an average 5-year old to use.
- Every digital product made to respond to voice commands.
- Grass that only grows to a certain height and stays there all summer long.
- A way to learn a foreign language in your sleep in a few days.
- Frozen food that tastes fresh and flavorful.
- Knives and blades that only cut when told to and will never hurt the user.
- Solar-powered everything: i.
cars, boats, homes, buses, and trains. - Packages that arrive on time and undamaged.
- Liquid vitamins already added to our drinking water.
- Medical advances to help the elderly age gracefully without pain or debilitation.
- Cars with built with sensors that won't allow them to collide with any object.
You can add you own in the comments area.
Otherwise, all the best for a terrific 08 and try not to make too many resolutions that will most probably be broken or ignored anyway.
Whoever came up with that idea should be on this list as well.
In other words, start self-improvement projects anytime you're ready.
Over and out.