How in the world do you lose belly fat by visualization? Great question.
You are in the right place to get your answer, read on.
I started using visualization techniques to give birth without pain medication.
I used Hypnobirthing techniques and once I had my son using these techniques it opened up a whole new world of what is possible.
Our minds are very powerful.
We can make things happen by visualizing them.
I'm living proof.
I was sleeping (snoring actually) in the middle of my contractions when giving birth to my son.
Read on, there's more! I used these same visualization techniques to lose belly fat after pregnancy- I'm not kidding! 1.
Take 1 minute of every day to visualize yourself eating only healthy foods.
Right before I got out of bed, I saw myself in my mind, eating healthy foods and how good I felt because I was putting healthy fuel into my body.
Take 1 minute of every day to visualize yourself being active throughout the day Again, this is before I got out of bed every morning.
I visualized myself having high energy throughout the day and taking my son for walks, cleaning the house, etc.
Take 1 minute of every day to visualize yourself shedding fat all over This may sound funny, but I even visualized the fat MELTING off my body.
I saw myself in my favorite outfit.
I imagined how I'd feel in that outfit.
I imagined how strong and sexy I'd feel being fit and toned.
These 3 minutes are so easy to implement into your DAILY routine to lose belly fat after pregnancy.
I guarantee if you make these 3 minutes a habit, you will see results.
My only recommendation for using this technique is to use all of your senses.
See yourself thinner, smell yourself thinner, taste yourself thinner, hear yourself thinner, touch yourself thinner.
Incorporate all of these senses and you are on your way to a fitter, healthier, thinner YOU! Read on if you would like to learn more about incorporating a simple method into your lifestyle to lose belly fat after pregnancy for good!
You are in the right place to get your answer, read on.
I started using visualization techniques to give birth without pain medication.
I used Hypnobirthing techniques and once I had my son using these techniques it opened up a whole new world of what is possible.
Our minds are very powerful.
We can make things happen by visualizing them.
I'm living proof.
I was sleeping (snoring actually) in the middle of my contractions when giving birth to my son.
Read on, there's more! I used these same visualization techniques to lose belly fat after pregnancy- I'm not kidding! 1.
Take 1 minute of every day to visualize yourself eating only healthy foods.
Right before I got out of bed, I saw myself in my mind, eating healthy foods and how good I felt because I was putting healthy fuel into my body.
Take 1 minute of every day to visualize yourself being active throughout the day Again, this is before I got out of bed every morning.
I visualized myself having high energy throughout the day and taking my son for walks, cleaning the house, etc.
Take 1 minute of every day to visualize yourself shedding fat all over This may sound funny, but I even visualized the fat MELTING off my body.
I saw myself in my favorite outfit.
I imagined how I'd feel in that outfit.
I imagined how strong and sexy I'd feel being fit and toned.
These 3 minutes are so easy to implement into your DAILY routine to lose belly fat after pregnancy.
I guarantee if you make these 3 minutes a habit, you will see results.
My only recommendation for using this technique is to use all of your senses.
See yourself thinner, smell yourself thinner, taste yourself thinner, hear yourself thinner, touch yourself thinner.
Incorporate all of these senses and you are on your way to a fitter, healthier, thinner YOU! Read on if you would like to learn more about incorporating a simple method into your lifestyle to lose belly fat after pregnancy for good!