Saying that there is a healthy way to lose weight presupposes that there is an unhealthy way to do so. The latter can be summed up by one word-rushing.
Generally, gaining pounds is a lot easier than losing them, since eating is something most if not all of us find very pleasurable. With great figure however comes great sacrifice, which means that if we want a fashion model-resembling body, we need to suck up our pride and do the best that we can to moderate our eating habits in such a way that we can maintain our right weight.
Rushing to lose weight is not just unhealthy, it is also very dangerous. Many of us are aware how fad diets come and go in the health and fitness industry, and how many people suffered from complications and even succumbed to death because of the intensity of fasting that these diets recommend.
A healthy way to lose weight is to do it slowly but surely. Let's face it. We cannot simply decide to ditch our bad eating activities just like that. The craving for fast food, oily dishes, fattening sweets, and other pound-giving edibles will not disappear in our memory and senses with just one word. Therefore the best way for us to avoid them is to gradually take them out of our lives. Let's start with removing soft drinks every other day during the first week, limit it to three bottles for the second week, and then restrict it to just a bottle in the third week, and so forth.
Such can be applied to other tempting food, and when we get used to the feeling of not taking them regularly, it will be easier for us to move on and live a lifestyle more committed to healthier food choices.
Generally, gaining pounds is a lot easier than losing them, since eating is something most if not all of us find very pleasurable. With great figure however comes great sacrifice, which means that if we want a fashion model-resembling body, we need to suck up our pride and do the best that we can to moderate our eating habits in such a way that we can maintain our right weight.
Rushing to lose weight is not just unhealthy, it is also very dangerous. Many of us are aware how fad diets come and go in the health and fitness industry, and how many people suffered from complications and even succumbed to death because of the intensity of fasting that these diets recommend.
A healthy way to lose weight is to do it slowly but surely. Let's face it. We cannot simply decide to ditch our bad eating activities just like that. The craving for fast food, oily dishes, fattening sweets, and other pound-giving edibles will not disappear in our memory and senses with just one word. Therefore the best way for us to avoid them is to gradually take them out of our lives. Let's start with removing soft drinks every other day during the first week, limit it to three bottles for the second week, and then restrict it to just a bottle in the third week, and so forth.
Such can be applied to other tempting food, and when we get used to the feeling of not taking them regularly, it will be easier for us to move on and live a lifestyle more committed to healthier food choices.