Business & Finance Advertising & sales & Marketing

Where Have All The Commercials And Our Trust In The Pitchman Gone?

Today, Radio groups are bankrupt, as well as Broadcast TV and Cable companies.
Newspapers and Magazines continue to go out of business.
Why? There are a variety of reasons.
Radio mega groups cloned their formats from town to town and with the intro of the iPod, lost an entire generation of teens and young adults that research shows don't find radio relevant to their life.
The only exception is when they plug their iPod into the car radio to use only as an amplifier.
TV and Cable are worried about their marketing models with TiVo.
You can watch your favorite shows online and YouTube wants to increase viewership from 15 minutes a day to 5 hours a day! Newspapers and Magazines still hanging on have created online versions as readership declines.
As book sales dive, you can find best sellers in the discount bin.
Now, with your Kindle you can electronically store 1500 books! Mainstream media is going out of business because of two reasons.
Their losing not only because of technology and the convergence on the Web, but because of 'Commercial Avoidance.
' Not only can we listen to radio on demand, skip TV commercials with TiVo, but the technology is even built into our Web browsers in the form of Pop-up blockers and in our e-mail as Spam blockers.
Why are we avoiding the commercials? Because we lost our trust in the Pitchman.
The term 'platitudes' refers to spots that all say the same thing.
For example, take a car dealer that says: "Largest selection!" Well, I certainly hope so! "Best price and the most money for your trade in!" Well, I certainly hope so! "The best service!" I certainly hope so! If you can take your name and plug into that copy, not only are you not unique, but lack credibility and become eventually bogus to the viewer.
If your spots worked, why would you have to change your spot every month? While commercials make us aware, before we purchase a high dollar product, we normally ask a friend who already purchased their opinion before we buy.
We trust their referral based on experience.
Since we lost trust in the 'Pitchman,' and no longer use traditional media, where has the trust gone? It's moved to Web 2.
0, otherwise known as Social Media Marketing.
The best description of what is now considered digital trust is 'The Review of The Review.
' Someone writes a review, and then someone writes a review positive or negative and so on and so on.
Where traditional media is push and you controlled the content, now through search and Web 2.
0, its pull marketing.
Although you no longer control the message, you can influence the review of your products and services, and they are talking about you whether you are involved in Web 2.
0 or not.
How can you influence the conversation and get more bang for the buck with your commercials that you would normally run on TV? More and more Web sites are adding video not only for consumer engagement, and to decrease bounce rate, but by adding search keywords in the alt tag of the video for search engine optimization.
The answer has always been to go where the audience is, and now it's Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and more.
Trust comes with transparency, and being unique, since we are dealing with the most educated people in history.
It's time to get on board and join the conversation already taking place positive or negative regarding your business, with or without your participation.
As we speak your message is now moving to the smart phone as it replaces the laptop as the new computer, and 2010 becomes the year of mobile with trust in marketing in the palm of your hand!
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