Network marketing is a great opportunity to make extra income no matter your race and gender or previous education.
It's no secret though that network marketing today is changing.
Most of what your up line for telling you to do probably doesn't work.
Speaking personally I went to a dozen of hotel meetings, call call, and brought friends and family over to see my latest opportunity.
It never worked, you can probably relate.
it's true? Nope marketing today is being taken over by the Internet.
It is a crucial skill that you must learn to market your business using the Internet.
The old days of calling everyone in your phonebook are truly out the window.
Why is this such a great thing? well the fear of rejection is thrown out of the window.
The Internet gives you the opportunity to network with like-minded people and also build relationships without having to worry if your prospect will say no to you.
Also the Internet gives you the opportunity to position yourself as a leader.
Positioning yourself as a leader in network marketing today is a crucial aspect to success.
it wasn't until I brought my business on the Internet that I finally started to get leads on my own.
Combining the Internet with network marketing is a powerful and yet not used by most formal network marketers.
I suggest you don't listen to your old-school upline and put your business on the Internet.
If you really want to see how network marketing today is changing check out the resource box below.
It's no secret though that network marketing today is changing.
Most of what your up line for telling you to do probably doesn't work.
Speaking personally I went to a dozen of hotel meetings, call call, and brought friends and family over to see my latest opportunity.
It never worked, you can probably relate.
it's true? Nope marketing today is being taken over by the Internet.
It is a crucial skill that you must learn to market your business using the Internet.
The old days of calling everyone in your phonebook are truly out the window.
Why is this such a great thing? well the fear of rejection is thrown out of the window.
The Internet gives you the opportunity to network with like-minded people and also build relationships without having to worry if your prospect will say no to you.
Also the Internet gives you the opportunity to position yourself as a leader.
Positioning yourself as a leader in network marketing today is a crucial aspect to success.
it wasn't until I brought my business on the Internet that I finally started to get leads on my own.
Combining the Internet with network marketing is a powerful and yet not used by most formal network marketers.
I suggest you don't listen to your old-school upline and put your business on the Internet.
If you really want to see how network marketing today is changing check out the resource box below.