Business & Finance Advertising & sales & Marketing

Purpose of List Building Online

The purpose in building a list is to develop a relationship with the people in the marketplace.
There really are two alternate ways to get traffic to your cell's pages and this is not that source of the traffic so the source could be the search engine or article marketing, or press releases, or whatever.
But there are two ways that people buy from you online.
They come to a sales page initially and they either like what they see and need it and buy it or they do not and generally the conversion rates on sales pages that have traffic sent to them initially are very, very low because the trust factor is very, very, very low.
The second way to do it is to build a relationship with people first, and then the people that have the same types of need is you meet and then funnel those people to very specific sales pages that meet their very specific needs and then what happens is the conversion rate on those particular sales pages tends to be much higher as much as 5 to 10 times higher.
The thing is, with list building, if you build a list of prospects, and then sell to that list of prospects, rather than selling initially to each visitor to your web site, my numbers show that you sell about 5 times more product to the list of prospects than you sell to the initial visitors.
And that is why I build a list rather than sell to prospects right off the bat.
Now, some might say, well, what about using a low cost item as a lead generator? And I believe you can also do that - instead of creating free prospects, create prospects that have paid some small amount to become a part of your list.
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