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Home Business Niche Article Club and Your Online Marketing Business - A Product Review

The Home Business Niche Article Club, part of the Just Articles article writing service, has become an important addition to my online marketing business.
I don't pay for a lot of advertising for my online marketing business, but if you're going to pay, it may as well be for something that will drive traffic to your site, and help you make the money back that you do spend on advertising.
A major internet marketing method for any online marketing business that will do just that is writing and distributing articles to your blog, website, and across the internet to various ezine publishers and article directories.
The best way to drive traffic to your online marketing business, and to make money with articles is by writing totally unique, creative, original, and quality content that you can call your own.
With the fears of being hit with the duplicate content penalty, original articles are definitely the best way to go.
For a while, I was doing just that on a consistent basis, writing one original article for my online marketing business every other day for months and months.
This worked fantastically at generating new traffic quickly, but as we all know, we sometimes run into roadblocks along the way, and severe cases of writer's block! My articles started to dwindle quite a bit, and while I still write my own original articles as much as possible, I was happy to discover Dustin Cannon's Home Business Niche Article Club.
This is a service comprised of professional article writers who will pump out 30 original articles for you each month, for a small monthly fee.
If you think it's a lot of money every month, then just do the math and break it down.
You are only paying pennies for each article, which gives you a quality, daily blog post every day of the month.
This is like paying peanuts for amazing and effective advertising! So the price is absolutely worth it...
But how good are the articles, and won't everyone be using the same articles for their online marketing business websites and blogs and be faced with the duplicate content penalty? Absolutely not!The great thing about the Home Business Niche Article Club is that they will only allow 200 members in each club.
When you consider that there are billions of sites on various niches on the internet, 200 members will not suffer from the duplicate content penalty.
The other great thing for online marketing business owners who use the Home Business Niche Article Club is that you can do what you want with each article you get.
The most effective use of the 30 articles you get is to create your own unique titles containing your researched keywords and keyword phrases, and then also using the same keywords throughout the article.
This will ensure that the search engines will pick up your content and keywords on the web, especially if you also tags, and ping at least once per day!You can see how much traffic you could get just by becoming a member of the Home Business Niche Article Club and how this will boost your online marketing business sales! I have been using this service in conjunction with my online marketing business for about a year now, and have a pretty good opinion on the quality of articles provided, and what it has done for my traffic and sales.
At first, my traffic shot up quite quickly, simply by posting one article per day to my blog using my own keywords and keyword phrases throughout.
For several months, I was pretty happy.
Then suddenly my online marketing business traffic reached a plateau and leveled out, and then even decreased back the numbers I had been struggling with prior to joining this Home Business Niche Article Club.
I find the articles of good quality, no doubt, but at the same time, a lot of them sound very much the same, are very generalized topics, and contain a fair number of spelling and grammatical errors.
This is not a bad thing, as it's good to go through the entire article and make your own revisions anyway.
At the same time, I wish the 30 I got each month were not all sounding like the same article spun out in different ways, which this club is apparently not supposed to be doing.
I feel my traffic has gone down again simply because these articles have the general appearance of being "spun out", rewritten articles.
I am now craving my own original online marketing business content lately, or fresh content on very specific topics within my niche that does not sound like a re-write of something else written somewhere else on the internet.
I want content published nowhere else except on my site or blog! The Home Business Niche Article Club also has many other bonuses for members, which is great, but it's mainly those 30 articles per month that we can make the best use of.
So while it is a great service, and provides fairly fresh content for your site, which saves you time in the end, I wouldn't say it's fantastic at generating new traffic once it reaches that plateau.
I would recommend it if you are an online marketing business owner, but please realize, like I have, that it's very specific, original articles published nowhere else on the net that will be most effective in generating both traffic and sales for you.
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