It never fails.
It seems that when we are on a diet, our cravings and emotions take over and sabotage our weight loss plans.
Well, I'm going to share with you some weight loss tips that will help keep you on track right here and right now! You know the feeling.
It's seems you just can't get away from the Yo-Yo dieting.
You know who you are.
You get started, lose some weight and bam...
back to the norm.
I'm going to show you some tried and proven basic methods to keep you on track and stay on track! Let's get to it! Tip 1.
Do Limit Your Choices.
Well believe it or not, contrary to popular belief, variety is not always the spice of life, at least when it comes to snacks.
It's a known fact that when you have more to choose from, you end up eating more than you should and gain a lot of extra weight.
Don't Eat In The Dark.
Eating by candle light can be romantic but it can end up being anything but! If you like eating in dimly lit rooms, this tends to make people consume more calories.
Why do you think some restaurants have such poor lighting? Tip 3.
Do Veg Out.
Non-starchy vegetables are known as filler foods.
They are low in calories and packed with water and fiber.
That's what makes them so great.
They fill you up without filling you out.
Try eating baby carrots, celery sticks and green beans in between meals.
Better yet, enjoy them all in stir fries and soups.
Don't Eat Standing Up.
It's a known fact that when people ate most of their meals while seated at their kitchen or dining room tables, rates of obesity were far lower.
Coincidence? In today's quick paced society, more and more people tend to eat on the go while driving or standing.
Don't do it.
Tip 5.
Do Fill Up On Fiber.
Since protein is digested slower than carbohydrates and fat, it takes fewer calories to fill you up.
Eating fiber slows the mealtime digestion and absorbs water which in turn creates a feeling of fullness.
Consider eating starchy beans and lentils in your soups and salads or as a side dish instead of rice or pasta to give you the fiber you need plus the sensation of being full.
Don't Miss Out On Sleep.
Did you know that sleep deprivation can lead to obesity? When we don't get enough sleep, our bodies produce more "Ghrelin", which is a hormone that makes you hungry! So give your body the rest it deserves.
Tip 7.
Do Downsize Plates And Bowls.
Think the size of your plate or bowl have anything to do with your weight gain? A study done by two well known universities found that by giving two different study groups different plate or bowl sizes, the group with the (you guessed it) bigger bowls and plates ate more and gained more weight quicker! Some as much as 44 pounds in one year! The weight loss tips most people follow.
It seems that when we are on a diet, our cravings and emotions take over and sabotage our weight loss plans.
Well, I'm going to share with you some weight loss tips that will help keep you on track right here and right now! You know the feeling.
It's seems you just can't get away from the Yo-Yo dieting.
You know who you are.
You get started, lose some weight and bam...
back to the norm.
I'm going to show you some tried and proven basic methods to keep you on track and stay on track! Let's get to it! Tip 1.
Do Limit Your Choices.
Well believe it or not, contrary to popular belief, variety is not always the spice of life, at least when it comes to snacks.
It's a known fact that when you have more to choose from, you end up eating more than you should and gain a lot of extra weight.
Don't Eat In The Dark.
Eating by candle light can be romantic but it can end up being anything but! If you like eating in dimly lit rooms, this tends to make people consume more calories.
Why do you think some restaurants have such poor lighting? Tip 3.
Do Veg Out.
Non-starchy vegetables are known as filler foods.
They are low in calories and packed with water and fiber.
That's what makes them so great.
They fill you up without filling you out.
Try eating baby carrots, celery sticks and green beans in between meals.
Better yet, enjoy them all in stir fries and soups.
Don't Eat Standing Up.
It's a known fact that when people ate most of their meals while seated at their kitchen or dining room tables, rates of obesity were far lower.
Coincidence? In today's quick paced society, more and more people tend to eat on the go while driving or standing.
Don't do it.
Tip 5.
Do Fill Up On Fiber.
Since protein is digested slower than carbohydrates and fat, it takes fewer calories to fill you up.
Eating fiber slows the mealtime digestion and absorbs water which in turn creates a feeling of fullness.
Consider eating starchy beans and lentils in your soups and salads or as a side dish instead of rice or pasta to give you the fiber you need plus the sensation of being full.
Don't Miss Out On Sleep.
Did you know that sleep deprivation can lead to obesity? When we don't get enough sleep, our bodies produce more "Ghrelin", which is a hormone that makes you hungry! So give your body the rest it deserves.
Tip 7.
Do Downsize Plates And Bowls.
Think the size of your plate or bowl have anything to do with your weight gain? A study done by two well known universities found that by giving two different study groups different plate or bowl sizes, the group with the (you guessed it) bigger bowls and plates ate more and gained more weight quicker! Some as much as 44 pounds in one year! The weight loss tips most people follow.