Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Fever Blisters Treatment

Fever blisters treatment.
Fever blister is called cold sore; herpes oral; herpes labialis.
A fever blister is a blister from infection caused by the herpes simplex virus type 1 with characterized by itching and soreness in a day or two, before small and painful red blisters appears usually affects on the skin of the lips, mouth, gums, or the skin around the mouth.
Herpes simplex virus type 1 is a contagious virus.
It means if virus spreads to others they can become infected too.
The virus will stay dormant most of the time; certain things can cause an outbreak.
Virus can transmitted to other by direct skin-to-skin contact such as kissing someone, share item such as utensil, cup, lipstick or lip balm applicator, toothbrush, or even a face towel.
And remember you can spread the virus to other parts of your own body such as eye, genital.
That's why important to wash your hand often.
There is no cure for fever blisters, but there are several medications and remedies available to treat fever blisters.
You can find treatment from doctor or dentist.
They usually will give Prescription antiviral medications that are used to treat herpes infections that have been approved by the FDA.
It is important to you to understand that even after use these antiviral products, and after the fever blisters recover, the virus still remains in your body and has potential to outbreaks with certain of triggers.
Commonly people use OTC ("over the counter") medication to fever blisters treatment but these medicine only can to relieve the pain, itchy, and reduce the duration of fever blisters.
Some of OTC ("over the counter") medication include: -Abreva Fever Blisters Treatment -Viradent gel cold sore treatment -Viroxyn -Super lysine for herpes -Lip balms for fever blisters -etc Some are used topically and others are taken orally.
And the best to treat Fever blisters are treated as early as possible.
There are natural home remedies for fever blisters treatment such as herbs and nutritional supplements include tea bag, petroleum jelly, olive leaf extract, red marine algae, tea tree oil, or, sage.
Many people do feel that they find them to be beneficial to fever blisters treatment and reduce recurrence.
Natural home remedies to fever blisters benefits to relieve the symptoms, reduce the risk of recurrent outbreaks, and helping you cope with a lifelong condition.
Fever blisters are common.
Though you can't cure fever blisters, you can take steps to reduce and limit the duration of an occurrence using the right way and effective fever blisters treatments.
© Home Remedy for Fever blister
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