Low-carb diets are extremely popular these days.
They can give people near instant results (in weight loss terms anyway) so it's easy to get excited about them.
However, not many who do a low carb diet will stick to it or keep the weight off permanently.
This is because it's not a life change that you are likely to live with for the rest of your life.
Instead you do it for a few months, lose a few pounds, then gain it right back after you stop the diet.
When you don't eat any carbs, your body is starved for energy, making you feel tired and lethargic all the time.
You may think this is just a side effect of "losing weight" but it's not a healthy thing to do to your body.
Since your body has no available carbs to use for energy, if you do any sort of activity like weight lifting, you will greatly struggle to lift the weight and you won't be building any muscle.
And since building muscle is one of the best healthy ways to lose weight, you are depriving your body of that ability.
Normally, when you break down your muscles by lifting weights your body will use available calories (carbs) to rebuild your muscles.
But since you aren't eating any you won't get any stronger or build any muscle.
So you're basically wasting your time.
I would suggest getting off the low carb diet as soon as you can and start learning the healthy ways to lose weight that will help you keep it off permanently.
They can give people near instant results (in weight loss terms anyway) so it's easy to get excited about them.
However, not many who do a low carb diet will stick to it or keep the weight off permanently.
This is because it's not a life change that you are likely to live with for the rest of your life.
Instead you do it for a few months, lose a few pounds, then gain it right back after you stop the diet.
When you don't eat any carbs, your body is starved for energy, making you feel tired and lethargic all the time.
You may think this is just a side effect of "losing weight" but it's not a healthy thing to do to your body.
Since your body has no available carbs to use for energy, if you do any sort of activity like weight lifting, you will greatly struggle to lift the weight and you won't be building any muscle.
And since building muscle is one of the best healthy ways to lose weight, you are depriving your body of that ability.
Normally, when you break down your muscles by lifting weights your body will use available calories (carbs) to rebuild your muscles.
But since you aren't eating any you won't get any stronger or build any muscle.
So you're basically wasting your time.
I would suggest getting off the low carb diet as soon as you can and start learning the healthy ways to lose weight that will help you keep it off permanently.