Want to lose pounds fast? Well, if you're having problems losing weight, yet you think you have a good diet and exercise plenty, then you need to address 3 other POWERFUL factors that decide whether you lose or gain weight.
Lose Pounds Fast 1.
Fix your digestive system You may not know this, but you have AT LEAST 5 pounds of fecal matter, waste products, sludge, and undigested food rotting and putrifying in your intestinal tract.
This stuff gets wedge into the intestinal walls and can stay there for years.
Not only do these wastes leak toxins into your blood, they block up and cause a "traffic jam" with the foods you're currently eating.
To help solve this problem (doesn't always work), you need to take massive amounts of fiber to "sweep up" the whole mess and push it out.
The average person gets less than 10 grams of fiber.
The American government recommends 25 grams a day.
Our ancestors regularly got close to 100 grams of fiber a day.
Our ancestors were lean.
So follow their example.
You don't need 100 grams of fiber a day, but at least get 50.
For that, I recommend black beans (1 50-cent can has 25 grams of fiber), apples (5 grams per), and lentils (36 grams per 4 ounces).
Load up on those foods.
Your hormones are not in harmony If your diet and exercising isn't working to lose weight, the problem may be your hormones.
Simply put, they're messed up.
With all the chemicals in our processed "to death" foods, our water, and the air...
it's surprising any of us are in good shape.
Your hormones need to be balanced to lose weight easily.
Your hormones are controlled by your Endocrine System.
Well, recent research has found out that spinning around like a child is a powerful stimulator of the Endocrine System.
Through that, spinning helps to balance the hormones...
unlocking your natural ability to lose weight.
I'm going to give you 2 of the bigger rules taken from my Spinning for Weight Loss ebook.
Number 1, don't spin counter-clockwise.
Number 2, don't spin to the point of being extremely dizzy...
just slightly dizzy is what you want.
For some people that'll be 5 spins, for others it'll be 15 spins.
Practice spinning and find out.
Get more sleep Zzz.
Boring tip, but every study involving sleep and weight loss proves this to be true.
Sleep more, lose more weight.
Obviously this doesn't mean sleep half your life away, it just means get enough sleep so that your body feels refreshed.
If you think you're doing good with your diet and exercise, but still not losing weight...
get 30-60 more minutes of sleep each day.
That could be at night, a nap during the day, whatever.
Just get more sleep and see what happens on the scale 10 days from now.
Those are 3 important things to look into if you want to lose pounds fast.
Lose Pounds Fast 1.
Fix your digestive system You may not know this, but you have AT LEAST 5 pounds of fecal matter, waste products, sludge, and undigested food rotting and putrifying in your intestinal tract.
This stuff gets wedge into the intestinal walls and can stay there for years.
Not only do these wastes leak toxins into your blood, they block up and cause a "traffic jam" with the foods you're currently eating.
To help solve this problem (doesn't always work), you need to take massive amounts of fiber to "sweep up" the whole mess and push it out.
The average person gets less than 10 grams of fiber.
The American government recommends 25 grams a day.
Our ancestors regularly got close to 100 grams of fiber a day.
Our ancestors were lean.
So follow their example.
You don't need 100 grams of fiber a day, but at least get 50.
For that, I recommend black beans (1 50-cent can has 25 grams of fiber), apples (5 grams per), and lentils (36 grams per 4 ounces).
Load up on those foods.
Your hormones are not in harmony If your diet and exercising isn't working to lose weight, the problem may be your hormones.
Simply put, they're messed up.
With all the chemicals in our processed "to death" foods, our water, and the air...
it's surprising any of us are in good shape.
Your hormones need to be balanced to lose weight easily.
Your hormones are controlled by your Endocrine System.
Well, recent research has found out that spinning around like a child is a powerful stimulator of the Endocrine System.
Through that, spinning helps to balance the hormones...
unlocking your natural ability to lose weight.
I'm going to give you 2 of the bigger rules taken from my Spinning for Weight Loss ebook.
Number 1, don't spin counter-clockwise.
Number 2, don't spin to the point of being extremely dizzy...
just slightly dizzy is what you want.
For some people that'll be 5 spins, for others it'll be 15 spins.
Practice spinning and find out.
Get more sleep Zzz.
Boring tip, but every study involving sleep and weight loss proves this to be true.
Sleep more, lose more weight.
Obviously this doesn't mean sleep half your life away, it just means get enough sleep so that your body feels refreshed.
If you think you're doing good with your diet and exercise, but still not losing weight...
get 30-60 more minutes of sleep each day.
That could be at night, a nap during the day, whatever.
Just get more sleep and see what happens on the scale 10 days from now.
Those are 3 important things to look into if you want to lose pounds fast.