- 1). Make a comfortable sleeping area for your cat to curl up in. Provide a comfortable cat bed with a soft blanket wrapped around a heating pad or hot water bottle. Cats like warm, soft spaces where they can sleep and feel safe. Place the sleeping area away from a window, to encourage sleep without the distraction of the outdoors.
- 2). Feed your cat a small meal before bedtime, such as 2 tablespoons of canned turkey, chicken or fish cat food or freshly cooked chopped turkey, chicken or fish. These meats contain L-tryptophan, an amino acid that encourages the production of serotonin, used to make the hormone melatonin in the cat's body and encourage sleep, according to WebMD.
- 3). Play with your cat in the evening to tire it out before you go to bed. The activity will tire out the cat and allow it to sleep during the night. Use interactive toys, such a laser light toy or a cat toy on a string or stick, to encourage your cat to run and jump.
- 4). Allow your cat to sleep in your room with you if it suffers from separation anxiety. Close the blinds to shut out the light of the day completely, and hang thick curtains on the windows to block the light to make the cat want to go to sleep. At dawn, the light encourages your cat to wake up and become active. Keeping its environment dark will allow both of you to sleep without waking early in the morning.
- 5). Put a few drops of a calming flower essence in your cat's water during the evening to calm it down. Place a cat pheromone diffuser in the room your cat sleeps in to reduce its anxiety and give it a chance to sleep. For multiple cats, make sure each one has its own bed and sleeping area, to reduce stress over shared resources in your home.