Health & Medical Lose Weight

Develop the Losing Weight Forever Mindset

Losing weight is in many ways comparable to starting an online business, if one does not have the proper mindset at the beginning of the venture, that is "I am going to succeed", the final outcome, more often than not, is failure.
It is documented that 95 per cent of all new businesses fail, the same could likewise be said for attempts to lose weight.
But it is not enough just to have the "I am going to lose weight and succeed" mindset.
One must look ahead and ask themselves where is this leading me? The "Big Picture" so to speak must be taken into consideration.
Do I just want to lose a quick 10 or 20 pounds and six months down the road be back in the same situation that I am in now, or, do I want to lose those pounds and keep them off forever? This is where the "I am going to succeed and lose weight forever" mindset is developed and one, which in my opinion , all must possess in order to deem their weight loss a true success.
The overweight person in their quest to lose weight often goes through a series of different mindsets.
The first is the "I am happy the way I am" mindset.
I am, in fact, envious of those whom are totally happy with the way their body looks, very few of these people exist, but this, in my opinion, is the most dangerous state to be in.
Not only are you putting yourself at risk for long term chronic diseases caused by being overweight but you are effectively shortening your lifespan depriving your family and your children of the time that they will able to spend with you.
Thankfully most abandon this stage in their early teens once they become attracted to the opposite sex.
The moment that you enter the "I have to do something and now" stage signals that you are almost there.
Don't sit on the fence about what to do, act now.
Research different diets and exercise plans, consult your family doctor if you are grossly overweight and pick the plan that is right for you.
Keep the long range plan in view.
The "I am going to succeed and lose weight forever" mindset is the approach to take.
Short term weight loss is not the answer.
Completely forget your old lifestyle of overeating, inactivity and consuming unhealthy foods and adopt your new regimen with open arms.
You are not entering a life of perpetual starvation but becoming a new better you.
Your self esteem and confidence will increase as you realize that if I can do this I can do anything.
Soon it will become second nature and a healthier, longer life lies ahead of you.
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