In finding an easy diet plan, one of the most important things to look for is whether the weight loss meal plan focuses on natural, organic foods. Organic foods are highly recommended for weight loss for two important reasons:
1. They are rich in nutrients
2. They aren't exposed to herbicides, pesticides and other harmful chemicals conventional farmers use to maximize their yield
The overuse of these strong chemicals has been linked to serious illnesses such as obesity, cancer, Parkinson's disease, anemia, leukemia, and liver, lung, kidney and heart problems. Discussion of the evils of these chemicals can take several volumes to write.
Grains, fruits, vegetables and other crops grown in the conventional manner also find their way to food manufacturers where they are used to create artificial or processed foods. The problem with processed foods is that the body does not really recognize them as food.
The wisdom of our body tells us to eat until you're satisfied. In the case of processed foods, our body will not tell us to stop eating because it doesn't treat what we've eaten as food. These junk are so alien to our body that all our system can do is store them as fat. All they have is empty calories that degrade rather than nourish the body.
Food additives with hard-to-pronounce names wreck havoc on our body's natural ability to tell us when to stop eating. They switch off our body's natural food craving moderation mechanism - a foolproof formula for obesity!
The food industry is aware of this thing. They have studied it and know what ingredients to add to your food to make you overeat.
The multibillion dollar food industry thrives on your inability to control your appetite.
If you're truly concerned about health and fat loss issues, then you'll make the switch to a natural and organic diet. It may not seem so easy to do at the start and organic food is considerably more expensive than conventional food, but the time, money and effort you spent to make the switch to an organic diet will be rewarded with a healthier body, happier disposition, slim and attractive body, and youthful appearance.
Here are a few tips to help you switch to an organic diet:
1. Don't make a sudden switch. Do it gradually to make your family get used to organic foods
2. Look for stores that sell organic grains, fruits, vegetables, meat and dairy
3. Introduce more and more fruits and vegetables into your diet
4. Encourage your family to drink water more instead of their favorite beverage
5. Slowly introduce organic rice and whole wheat organic foods. This is where you face the toughest opposition from your family members since they're so used to white bread. Patience is the key.
Every Other Day Diet-Finding an Easy Diet Plan
1. They are rich in nutrients
2. They aren't exposed to herbicides, pesticides and other harmful chemicals conventional farmers use to maximize their yield
The overuse of these strong chemicals has been linked to serious illnesses such as obesity, cancer, Parkinson's disease, anemia, leukemia, and liver, lung, kidney and heart problems. Discussion of the evils of these chemicals can take several volumes to write.
Grains, fruits, vegetables and other crops grown in the conventional manner also find their way to food manufacturers where they are used to create artificial or processed foods. The problem with processed foods is that the body does not really recognize them as food.
The wisdom of our body tells us to eat until you're satisfied. In the case of processed foods, our body will not tell us to stop eating because it doesn't treat what we've eaten as food. These junk are so alien to our body that all our system can do is store them as fat. All they have is empty calories that degrade rather than nourish the body.
Food additives with hard-to-pronounce names wreck havoc on our body's natural ability to tell us when to stop eating. They switch off our body's natural food craving moderation mechanism - a foolproof formula for obesity!
The food industry is aware of this thing. They have studied it and know what ingredients to add to your food to make you overeat.
The multibillion dollar food industry thrives on your inability to control your appetite.
If you're truly concerned about health and fat loss issues, then you'll make the switch to a natural and organic diet. It may not seem so easy to do at the start and organic food is considerably more expensive than conventional food, but the time, money and effort you spent to make the switch to an organic diet will be rewarded with a healthier body, happier disposition, slim and attractive body, and youthful appearance.
Here are a few tips to help you switch to an organic diet:
1. Don't make a sudden switch. Do it gradually to make your family get used to organic foods
2. Look for stores that sell organic grains, fruits, vegetables, meat and dairy
3. Introduce more and more fruits and vegetables into your diet
4. Encourage your family to drink water more instead of their favorite beverage
5. Slowly introduce organic rice and whole wheat organic foods. This is where you face the toughest opposition from your family members since they're so used to white bread. Patience is the key.
Every Other Day Diet-Finding an Easy Diet Plan