Looking for herbs to provide an alternative to health issues there are herbs that are used in drugs that some of us take everyday to control our blood pressure, depression, head aches and more.
So before you take any herbs contact your doctor.
If you are seeing an herpetologist make sure they know what medications you are on.
What my seem harmless could take your health on a roller coaster ride or even kill you.
Do your research and share your knowledge with your care givers.
There are herbs that have been use for centuries and a few are very effective.
Two thirds of adults that take herbal supplements are using them to treat conditions and are not sure if they work effectively.
Regulation on herbs have not been established.
Advertising can entice us to try products not giving a thought to your health it is merely to sell the product.
So beware and do the research.
Here are some herbs that have proven the test of time and research.
Consult your doctor before using these they can effect everyone differently.
Chaste-berry: Dried fruit of the Vitex agnuscastus tree, chaste-berry may have gotten its name from a belief that it repressed libido, this is unfounded, you can find it in teas, capsules and dry and liquid extracts.
They say that monks used this to curb sexual desires if fact it has been found to treat PMS symptoms, like mood swings, headaches, and anger.
It is also used for increasing fertility.
Stanford University School of Medicine in California has done research that found chasteberry may affect the mood-influencing neurotransmitter dopamine and in one study beat out a placebo alleviating PMS distress.
Fertility Blend, a supplement contianing chasteberry found that in a study using 53 women 14 of them got pregnant using the supplement.
That is 16 percent more then woman using a placebos.
Vitex can cause nausea, headache and rashes, researchers from Italy found in 2005 that even though side effects tend to be mild and reversible.
Use cation when using hormonal contraception it can weaken there effect.
Please check with your doctor if you take anything that alter dopamine levels, such as antipsychotic medications like Haldol or Risperdal.
Next herbs we will look at is st.
john's wort and valerian both of these have properties that I have found interesting.
Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unfathomable are His judgments and how untraceable are his ways! Romans 11:33
So before you take any herbs contact your doctor.
If you are seeing an herpetologist make sure they know what medications you are on.
What my seem harmless could take your health on a roller coaster ride or even kill you.
Do your research and share your knowledge with your care givers.
There are herbs that have been use for centuries and a few are very effective.
Two thirds of adults that take herbal supplements are using them to treat conditions and are not sure if they work effectively.
Regulation on herbs have not been established.
Advertising can entice us to try products not giving a thought to your health it is merely to sell the product.
So beware and do the research.
Here are some herbs that have proven the test of time and research.
Consult your doctor before using these they can effect everyone differently.
Chaste-berry: Dried fruit of the Vitex agnuscastus tree, chaste-berry may have gotten its name from a belief that it repressed libido, this is unfounded, you can find it in teas, capsules and dry and liquid extracts.
They say that monks used this to curb sexual desires if fact it has been found to treat PMS symptoms, like mood swings, headaches, and anger.
It is also used for increasing fertility.
Stanford University School of Medicine in California has done research that found chasteberry may affect the mood-influencing neurotransmitter dopamine and in one study beat out a placebo alleviating PMS distress.
Fertility Blend, a supplement contianing chasteberry found that in a study using 53 women 14 of them got pregnant using the supplement.
That is 16 percent more then woman using a placebos.
Vitex can cause nausea, headache and rashes, researchers from Italy found in 2005 that even though side effects tend to be mild and reversible.
Use cation when using hormonal contraception it can weaken there effect.
Please check with your doctor if you take anything that alter dopamine levels, such as antipsychotic medications like Haldol or Risperdal.
Next herbs we will look at is st.
john's wort and valerian both of these have properties that I have found interesting.
Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unfathomable are His judgments and how untraceable are his ways! Romans 11:33