We've always heard about people's net worth being measured by the amount of money and/or assets they own. However, I believe a person's true net worth should be measured by other factors instead. Among these items are their work ethic; common courtesy; self-discipline; compliance with rules, regulations, and laws; personal ambition; and willingness to give back to society.
A person with a strong work ethic will ultimately find success in life. People will always turn to them when there is something important that needs to be done. On the other hand, a person who is lacking in that area projects the image of not being worth very much. Lazy people are of little help to anyone, including themselves. And unless they win the lottery or inherit a large amount of money, they are likely to be dependent on others during their entire life.
Courteous people are generally held in high esteem, regardless of their financial situation. People who lack common courtesy and are inconsiderate of others generally rate very low with most people. No matter how wealthy they are or how much clout they might wield, rude people are not going to be well-regarded. They might think their money and/or influence gives them a right to be disrespectful to others, but they are sadly mistaken. This is something they will ultimately find out the hard way.
People with the right amount self-discipline can accomplish just about anything. They can also avoid many of life's pitfalls like alcoholism, drug addiction, smoking, overeating, excess debt, etc. They are more likely to lead happy and healthy lives than those who do not possess as much self-discipline. People who cannot master the art of self-discipline rarely succeed at anything and are constantly having to be bailed out of the negative situations their undisciplined lifestyles get them into. Quite often, that kind of person ultimately makes a train wreck of his or her life. People who comply with rules, regulations, and laws have a greater chance for success than those who do not. They know that one must play by the rules in order to stand any chance of winning. Scofflaws and others who don't think the rules apply to them tend to remain in the lower echelons of society. They just can't wait their turn, can't play fair, and can't acquire things honestly – and are ultimately punished, sometimes severely, for it. They can't stay of trouble long enough to accomplish anything significant. Of course, there are also many people in high places who won't operate within the rules either – because they believe they are above the law. In many cases, though, they are eventually caught and brought down off their high horse.
Those who have the personal ambition to make something of themselves usually do. Many of the more difficult tasks in life require a great amount of personal ambition in order to be accomplished. People who lack personal ambition usually remain close to where they started out in life. They get less because they expect less and are willing to settle for less. If they are satisfied with that, fine -- but they should not complain about their lowly status in life. They should keep in mind their lot in life is a direct result of their own choices.
Finally, those who give back to society with their time and/or money rate highly in the area of true net worth They are generally thought of as being more important than those who live only for themselves and their own families and friends. Think of people who are the most highly regarded in your community. They are the ones who give back. And it's not necessarily those who are the wealthiest and have finest homes and the nicest cars. People who are too caught up in materialism to be mindful of the needs of others do so the detriment of the standing with their fellow man. Their true net worth may not be all that they believe it to be.
A person with a strong work ethic will ultimately find success in life. People will always turn to them when there is something important that needs to be done. On the other hand, a person who is lacking in that area projects the image of not being worth very much. Lazy people are of little help to anyone, including themselves. And unless they win the lottery or inherit a large amount of money, they are likely to be dependent on others during their entire life.
Courteous people are generally held in high esteem, regardless of their financial situation. People who lack common courtesy and are inconsiderate of others generally rate very low with most people. No matter how wealthy they are or how much clout they might wield, rude people are not going to be well-regarded. They might think their money and/or influence gives them a right to be disrespectful to others, but they are sadly mistaken. This is something they will ultimately find out the hard way.
People with the right amount self-discipline can accomplish just about anything. They can also avoid many of life's pitfalls like alcoholism, drug addiction, smoking, overeating, excess debt, etc. They are more likely to lead happy and healthy lives than those who do not possess as much self-discipline. People who cannot master the art of self-discipline rarely succeed at anything and are constantly having to be bailed out of the negative situations their undisciplined lifestyles get them into. Quite often, that kind of person ultimately makes a train wreck of his or her life. People who comply with rules, regulations, and laws have a greater chance for success than those who do not. They know that one must play by the rules in order to stand any chance of winning. Scofflaws and others who don't think the rules apply to them tend to remain in the lower echelons of society. They just can't wait their turn, can't play fair, and can't acquire things honestly – and are ultimately punished, sometimes severely, for it. They can't stay of trouble long enough to accomplish anything significant. Of course, there are also many people in high places who won't operate within the rules either – because they believe they are above the law. In many cases, though, they are eventually caught and brought down off their high horse.
Those who have the personal ambition to make something of themselves usually do. Many of the more difficult tasks in life require a great amount of personal ambition in order to be accomplished. People who lack personal ambition usually remain close to where they started out in life. They get less because they expect less and are willing to settle for less. If they are satisfied with that, fine -- but they should not complain about their lowly status in life. They should keep in mind their lot in life is a direct result of their own choices.
Finally, those who give back to society with their time and/or money rate highly in the area of true net worth They are generally thought of as being more important than those who live only for themselves and their own families and friends. Think of people who are the most highly regarded in your community. They are the ones who give back. And it's not necessarily those who are the wealthiest and have finest homes and the nicest cars. People who are too caught up in materialism to be mindful of the needs of others do so the detriment of the standing with their fellow man. Their true net worth may not be all that they believe it to be.