Home & Garden Pest Control

Safe to Use Mosquito Repellants

The large majority of commercial mosquito repellants contain harmful ingredients that you do not want to put on small children or the elderly.
Exposure to all of these chemicals has not been proven to be completely safe for everyone.
It will be many years in the future before we fully understand the ramifications of using such chemicals on a regular basis.
There are alternatives measures you can take to prevent the little vampires from feasting so that everyone can go outside and enjoy the festivities.
One of the best mosquito repellants that you can use in your cupboard right now, you simply take a damp cloth and place some pure vanilla on it and rub the pure vanilla over the exposed skin of the person that you are trying to protect.
Mosquito's really do not like the smell of pure vanilla and they will not bite.
You have to make sure that the vanilla you have is one hundred percent pure and not an imitation vanilla.
The imitation versions do not repel the biting insects and may even attract other biting insects to the child.
Do not forget that the best defense you have against these nocturnal enemies is to wear adequate clothing.
You want to dress in clothing that has sleeves so that you cover more exposed skin.
The exposed skin not only allows the bugs somewhere to picnic it also leaves more skin available to send out an attracting scent.
If you have ever noticed some people seem to get bitten more frequently by the mosquito than some other people do.
Scientist believes this has to do with natural bacteria on the surface of our skin that attracts the little biting insects.
The bacteria are always present on the skin of all human beings but some people have more of it than others and these people are bitten more.
Bathing will not remove the bacteria but can mask the scent so that the bugs are confused into flying on past.
Remember that these creatures are on the bushes and the grasses in the yard.
Keep children from playing next to bushes or in tall grasses.
You can also plant shrubbery that repels these creatures close to areas where children and adults will gather most frequently.
These natural repellant shrubs will put off a scent that the bugs find repulsive and they will go somewhere else to look for lunch.
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