There can be many starting points and many paths to finding the kernel of truth contained in the many-layered onion.
A great many of these paths can be found after much time and energy to be a blind alley - a dead end, and a waste of time.
It is because of this that the majorities of people who desire the truth eventually give up on their quest, and acquiesce, resigned to simply following their leaders and their version of the truth, or their respective religion.
This is why so much damage has been done in the name of religion - the blind leading the blind until both falls into a pit of confusion.
That said; let us focus on only one simple precept - the original name of god.
This is the kernel deep within the onion of religion.
By starting with the three main religions - Judaism, Islam, and Christianity (could this be the three unclean frogs emerging once again) whose original source was that of the first cultures of Mesopotamia - the Sumerians, we can find a common thread that leads to the original name - that which later became known as the sacred name.
To do so we must go to the original language - the language of the Sumerians.
The following quote is from a book by John Allegro, one of the preeminent scholars of ancient Sumerian languages and one of the translators of the Dead Sea Scrolls.
In keeping with the character of the Priesthood, the priesthood of today has also attempted to suppress this information.
If you are religious minded you might not like what you find.
IAU "If we are to make any enlightened guess at "primitive" man's ideas about god and the universe it would have to be on the reasonable assumption that they would be simple, and directly related to the world of his experience.
He may have given the god numerous epithets describing his various functions and manifestations but there is no reason to doubt that the reality behind the names was envisaged as one, all-powerful deity, a life-giver, supreme creator.
The etymological examination of the chief god-names that is now possible supports this view, pointing to a common theme of life-giving, fecundity.
Thus the principal gods of the Greeks and Hebrews, Zeus and Yahweh (Jehovah), have names derived from Sumerian meaning "juice of fecundity", spermatozoa, "seed of life".
' The phrase is composed of two syllables, IA (ya, dialectally za), "juice", literally "strong water", and U, perhaps the most important phoneme in the whole of Near Eastern religion.
It is found in the texts represented by a number of different cuneiform signs, but at the root of them all is the idea of "fertility".
Thus one U means "copulate" or "mount", and "create"; another "rainstorm", as source of the heavenly sperm; another "vegetation", as the offspring of the god; whilst another U is the name of the storm-god himself.
So, far from evincing a multiplicity of gods and conflicting theological notions, our earliest records lead us back to a single idea, even a single letter, "U".
Behind Judaism and Christianity, and indeed all the Near Eastern fertility religions and their more sophisticated developments, there lies this single phoneme "U" Quite simply, the reasoning of the early theologians seems to have been as follows: since rain makes the crops grow it must contain within it the seed of life.
In human beings this is spermatozoa that is ejected from the penis at orgasm.
Therefore it followed that rain is simply heavenly semen, the all-powerful creator, God.
" From The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross by John Allegro Summarizing this information, the progressive development of the name of God in the Mesopotamian region originating from IAU - meaning Seed of Life! IAU YAU YAHU Adam most likely spoke the sacred name as IAUA (Ee-Aw-Oo-Aw) all with vowels as in an exhaled breath.
As the priesthood emerged and became more organized the descriptor EL was added - El meaning 'the goal'.
Abram, who came from UR, the center of the Mesopotamian world, was very aware of the power of the priests, for his father was an idol maker, profiting from the business of religion.
The descendants of Abram, both Isaac and Ishmael used slightly differing version of the combined name in the streams of their seed.
EL YAHU was used by Isaac's descendants.
(Jews) AL LAHU was used by Ishmael's descendants.
(Arabs) These are simply dialectic variations of the original thought expressed in words.
Many of the names of the patriarchs and the prophets in the Hebrew Scriptures contained the sacred name.
Joel was originally YAHEL, and Matthew was MATTISYAHU.
And in the Arab stream, even today the faithful proclaim ALLAHU AKBAR - God is great.
Now, the observant would have noticed amongst all of this new information the term 'mushroom' in the title of the book.
One would ask the question, 'what does the mushroom have to do with religion, and ultimately with the kernel of truth?" John allegro goes on to say, "Both the Semitic and the Greek words for 'Christ', the 'anointed or smeared one', came from the Sumerian terms for semen or resinous sap, MASh and Skem.
Used as descriptive titles in that language, they appear as a 'MASh - man', exorcist, that is, the priest who drives away demons, and as a 'ShEM - man', a compounder of perfumes, the equivalent of the Old Testament mixer of the holy anointing oils.
" Without laboring the point by quoting from the book excessively I sum up the salient points here.
The word 'mushroom' comes from the root Sumerian word MASh, the 'h' is added later as the languages developed because that was how the word was spoken.
Mash is synonymous with the Sumerian word SKEM, both meaning the Mash-man or Sham-man.
Mash-man in the Hebrew language is Mashiach or Messiah, and Sham-man, as we have already discovered, in today's language is Shaman or Priest.
Both mean exactly the same thing - an apothecary or maker of the anointing oil, and an exorcist.
Now it begs the question once more, 'what has this to do with the mushroom?' Well, it has everything to do with it, for as John Allegro discovered, and the priesthood of his day (circa 1948-50s) resisted accepting, even to the point of firing him from leading the translation team of the Dead Sea Scrolls.
What he discovered was astonishing beyond belief to the modern mind in that the mushroom was in fact the true anointing ingredient in the Shaman's oil.
Now this astounding information is evident in that both the Hebrew, Islamic and Sikh religions have the mushroom surreptitiously displayed by their priests in their headgear as a turban, and the story in the bible of the 'keys' to heaven to which Jesus berated the priests about was in fact a word play.
The head of a mushroom in mid-growth looks remarkably like a bolt before it spreads out flat.
The key being a bolt, which is an ancient key, a bolt or nail turned at an angle to open the inside latch of a door, and this bolt, when understood in the original language was in fact a mushroom; a magic mushroom! Recently archeologists uncovered a 1st century Christian church and a mosaic of Eve handing the forbidden fruit to Adam, and were astounded to find that it was in fact a magic mushroom! So having discovered all of this, it takes nothing away from the magic of the creator.
It does however take volumes from the delusions of the priests who have suppressed this information, deluded us as to the truth, and still do.
In case you are wondering - I'm not 'trippin' - I don't take mushrooms.
A great many of these paths can be found after much time and energy to be a blind alley - a dead end, and a waste of time.
It is because of this that the majorities of people who desire the truth eventually give up on their quest, and acquiesce, resigned to simply following their leaders and their version of the truth, or their respective religion.
This is why so much damage has been done in the name of religion - the blind leading the blind until both falls into a pit of confusion.
That said; let us focus on only one simple precept - the original name of god.
This is the kernel deep within the onion of religion.
By starting with the three main religions - Judaism, Islam, and Christianity (could this be the three unclean frogs emerging once again) whose original source was that of the first cultures of Mesopotamia - the Sumerians, we can find a common thread that leads to the original name - that which later became known as the sacred name.
To do so we must go to the original language - the language of the Sumerians.
The following quote is from a book by John Allegro, one of the preeminent scholars of ancient Sumerian languages and one of the translators of the Dead Sea Scrolls.
In keeping with the character of the Priesthood, the priesthood of today has also attempted to suppress this information.
If you are religious minded you might not like what you find.
IAU "If we are to make any enlightened guess at "primitive" man's ideas about god and the universe it would have to be on the reasonable assumption that they would be simple, and directly related to the world of his experience.
He may have given the god numerous epithets describing his various functions and manifestations but there is no reason to doubt that the reality behind the names was envisaged as one, all-powerful deity, a life-giver, supreme creator.
The etymological examination of the chief god-names that is now possible supports this view, pointing to a common theme of life-giving, fecundity.
Thus the principal gods of the Greeks and Hebrews, Zeus and Yahweh (Jehovah), have names derived from Sumerian meaning "juice of fecundity", spermatozoa, "seed of life".
' The phrase is composed of two syllables, IA (ya, dialectally za), "juice", literally "strong water", and U, perhaps the most important phoneme in the whole of Near Eastern religion.
It is found in the texts represented by a number of different cuneiform signs, but at the root of them all is the idea of "fertility".
Thus one U means "copulate" or "mount", and "create"; another "rainstorm", as source of the heavenly sperm; another "vegetation", as the offspring of the god; whilst another U is the name of the storm-god himself.
So, far from evincing a multiplicity of gods and conflicting theological notions, our earliest records lead us back to a single idea, even a single letter, "U".
Behind Judaism and Christianity, and indeed all the Near Eastern fertility religions and their more sophisticated developments, there lies this single phoneme "U" Quite simply, the reasoning of the early theologians seems to have been as follows: since rain makes the crops grow it must contain within it the seed of life.
In human beings this is spermatozoa that is ejected from the penis at orgasm.
Therefore it followed that rain is simply heavenly semen, the all-powerful creator, God.
" From The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross by John Allegro Summarizing this information, the progressive development of the name of God in the Mesopotamian region originating from IAU - meaning Seed of Life! IAU YAU YAHU Adam most likely spoke the sacred name as IAUA (Ee-Aw-Oo-Aw) all with vowels as in an exhaled breath.
As the priesthood emerged and became more organized the descriptor EL was added - El meaning 'the goal'.
Abram, who came from UR, the center of the Mesopotamian world, was very aware of the power of the priests, for his father was an idol maker, profiting from the business of religion.
The descendants of Abram, both Isaac and Ishmael used slightly differing version of the combined name in the streams of their seed.
EL YAHU was used by Isaac's descendants.
(Jews) AL LAHU was used by Ishmael's descendants.
(Arabs) These are simply dialectic variations of the original thought expressed in words.
Many of the names of the patriarchs and the prophets in the Hebrew Scriptures contained the sacred name.
Joel was originally YAHEL, and Matthew was MATTISYAHU.
And in the Arab stream, even today the faithful proclaim ALLAHU AKBAR - God is great.
Now, the observant would have noticed amongst all of this new information the term 'mushroom' in the title of the book.
One would ask the question, 'what does the mushroom have to do with religion, and ultimately with the kernel of truth?" John allegro goes on to say, "Both the Semitic and the Greek words for 'Christ', the 'anointed or smeared one', came from the Sumerian terms for semen or resinous sap, MASh and Skem.
Used as descriptive titles in that language, they appear as a 'MASh - man', exorcist, that is, the priest who drives away demons, and as a 'ShEM - man', a compounder of perfumes, the equivalent of the Old Testament mixer of the holy anointing oils.
" Without laboring the point by quoting from the book excessively I sum up the salient points here.
The word 'mushroom' comes from the root Sumerian word MASh, the 'h' is added later as the languages developed because that was how the word was spoken.
Mash is synonymous with the Sumerian word SKEM, both meaning the Mash-man or Sham-man.
Mash-man in the Hebrew language is Mashiach or Messiah, and Sham-man, as we have already discovered, in today's language is Shaman or Priest.
Both mean exactly the same thing - an apothecary or maker of the anointing oil, and an exorcist.
Now it begs the question once more, 'what has this to do with the mushroom?' Well, it has everything to do with it, for as John Allegro discovered, and the priesthood of his day (circa 1948-50s) resisted accepting, even to the point of firing him from leading the translation team of the Dead Sea Scrolls.
What he discovered was astonishing beyond belief to the modern mind in that the mushroom was in fact the true anointing ingredient in the Shaman's oil.
Now this astounding information is evident in that both the Hebrew, Islamic and Sikh religions have the mushroom surreptitiously displayed by their priests in their headgear as a turban, and the story in the bible of the 'keys' to heaven to which Jesus berated the priests about was in fact a word play.
The head of a mushroom in mid-growth looks remarkably like a bolt before it spreads out flat.
The key being a bolt, which is an ancient key, a bolt or nail turned at an angle to open the inside latch of a door, and this bolt, when understood in the original language was in fact a mushroom; a magic mushroom! Recently archeologists uncovered a 1st century Christian church and a mosaic of Eve handing the forbidden fruit to Adam, and were astounded to find that it was in fact a magic mushroom! So having discovered all of this, it takes nothing away from the magic of the creator.
It does however take volumes from the delusions of the priests who have suppressed this information, deluded us as to the truth, and still do.
In case you are wondering - I'm not 'trippin' - I don't take mushrooms.