Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Keep Cool While Being Provoked

I was having a conversation the other day with my daughter; who made the statement to me that I should let my blood pressure go up.
Speaking in ignorance not knowing what high blood pressure will do, I shared a few facts with her about high blood pressure; which included being on medication, the possibility of having a stroke, or a heart-attack.
Once she discovered the results of what high blood pressure can do, she changed her mind and said don't let it get that high.
Over the years my daughter has not really ever seen me get so upset.
She really thinks I'm Mr.
I attempt to keep my cool when I'm being provoked; I can get very angry, but I manage to stay in control though tempted at moments.
The bible says' "be angry, and do not sin.
Psalms 4:4.
" It's repeated in the New Testament "Ephesians 4:26 be angry, and do not sin.
" You want to be able to control your anger, rather than having your anger control you.
I'm quite certain there are plenty of you being provoked at this moment by your ex-spouse, friend, and significant other to the degree where you feel you are going to explode.
I want to encourage you today to hold on; and be cool.
I know that's easier said than done; but think of all the repercussions and the consequences disaster can bring from just one little misunderstanding.
Whether it's a misunderstanding or not; maybe it's the truth, you still want to manage to control yourself during heated arguments or sensitive conversations.
Proverbs 14:17 says" a quick-tempered man acts foolishly; and a man of wicked intentions is hated.
" One way of responding to a heated conversation is by speaking softly when necessary and listening with your heart more so than your head.
Proverbs 15:1 says "A soft word turns away wrath, but harsh words stirs up anger.
Another way is by managing to keep yourself under self-control so you can make a bad situation better by being humble and more settled than your counterpart.
Our former spouses, enemies, and so called friends have a tendency to provoke us at certain times.
The key to keeping your cool is by responding in "un-natural" ways to prevent arguments and fights regularly.
It's hard for someone to want to keep causing you hell; when you act the opposite way of the way they're treating you.
Love, kindness, gentleness, goodness and self-control are "outer- self" ingredients to stop this type of conflict.
Outer-self is for the benefit of those who trespass against you.
But, also "outer-self" is for your own well being as well; so you know how to keep yourself under control rather than being provoked in ways that could lead to more conflicts or what could produce bad health problems for yourself.
I know you have heard the saying "what goes around comes around, or every dog has his days.
" This is a worldly saying; but it's true.
The book of Proverbs is a good book to teach you and show you how to deal with people who provoke you at certain times.
I want to encourage you to read your bible and strengthen your faith to be able to handle provocation when it comes around the next time.
Once the person who's provoking you finally see they are no longer getting you upset, then hopefully they will back off once they see you are not responding as negatively as you once did; but you're responding in a way that's opposite of the way they're treating you.
If you allow others to get you angry; they'll controlling you; don't let this continue to happen.
It doesn't matter who it is.
It could be your mother, your brother, your sister, your spouse or your children.
Your child or children are an asset to you and not a liability.
Look, Children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of your womb is a reward.
Psalm 127:3.
If you are struggling with your parental rights and responsibilities sign-up to receive tips on life in general and I can help you with your parenting concerns.
Copyright © 2007 Clark A.
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