Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Flirting With Women At Home

Once you've mastered casual conversation and built some rapport with her, you got to bring in new twists and turns so your relationship with her won't turn stale. When you've invited the women back to your place, it's time to bring the intensity level up a step. You can do this by being a "flirt" with women. Most guys have no idea what flirting is and think that a "good conversation" is considered flirting. Flirting is the act of being playful in a romantic way that brings about sexual interest. If you do flirting right, the women that you are seeing should already have sexual interest in you.

One way of heating things up is being playful by play fighting with her. Joke around an act like she's your little bratty niece that always wants attention. If she does something wrong, get a pillow and hit her with it (not hard!). She'll most likely get the nearest pillow by her and start smacking you and you guys will have a little duel. Playing around like this indicates that you are fun and easygoing to be around instead of just being someone there to talk to.

Another way of flirting is through touching. Unless you're a hugging type of person, touching others may feel foreign because a lot of people don't like to be touched and will feel weird if you touched them. However, touching women (not improperly or in a creepy way!) will set off some romantic tension that will lead to sexual tension. If all you do is talk to her, then it will be hard to do anything else but talk to her. But if you guys are comfortable of being touchy, then it opens a lot of new doors to explore other physical actions like kissing.

One final way on flirting is to know when to elevate the anticipation. For example, if she is at her your house, tell her that you have a surprise for her later that evening and that you will reveal it to her if she is a good girl. The surprise can be something as simple as some fancy wrapped champagne or strawberries and cream later at dinner. The surprise is not really that big of a deal. The point is there is mystery and anticipation behind the surprise. Girls love excitement mixed in with some mystery, as this will build her attraction towards you.

Remember, don't try to think or force your way into flirting with a woman. Just have fun with. Be a little more "sassy" than you usually are and play the "wicked" side for a change. Be unpredictable and be willing to try new things out of the ordinary like getting into a mini argument with her in a fun and playful way. She'll love this and will try to argue her way back into beating you and you guys will have an instant sparking going on between each other. Once you feel comfortable sending out flirting signals, instead of being another regular guy, you'll turn into a guy full of fun and excitement that girls will love.
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