How do you feel at the top of the ladder?
You may look happy with enough money as trader
Fortune smiles with top slot in the ministry as leader
Good contracts and successful planner as bidder
This is how one takes as successful person
He has enough of everything to feel happy with reason
Fortune and fame may push you to extreme side
You may have every opportunity to see the world as too wide
Wise person may take it lightly and stay fully calm
He may consider it as reward and stay in farm
After all it has come through his hard work and labor
He has everything to rejoice and nothing to harbor
If you can digest the honor and fame in right spirit
Then you may see the clear road ahead in dark or dimly lit
It may encourage you to do more and stay fit
Failure or success may be right way to treat
It makes you blind with sudden rise or success
Whole world is in near vicinity and you have an easy access
You may find it par at excellence and easy to digest
You may also frown upon if some one comes to suggest
It tends to make you to think others as second grade
You dark past doesn't bother you at all memory fade
You think it has come to you by work and luck
You are lost in oblivion, have dilemma and struck
It is real test for you to stand fast in such situation
You may loose sympathy for the lack of evaluation
It is your clean image that may rescue you from fall
Peron must have courage to prove for the right call
Not all may maintain amidst rising fame
They will curse others and pass the blame
Whole credit may be given to their entire efforts
This may take them away to maintain good rapports
Nothing comes in the way if you maintain calm posture
No comments or silence may enable you to decide the future
You may be considered noble and trust worthy
You will have all praise and sympathy
Love the world and live with it as simple challenge
You must have clear goal as how to adjust and rearrange
It has nothing to do with your present status
You may rise or fall without losing the trust
He, who swims across, may find it easy
His path may be smooth and rosy
The sun may be shining all the way
It may be considered as golden day
You may look happy with enough money as trader
Fortune smiles with top slot in the ministry as leader
Good contracts and successful planner as bidder
This is how one takes as successful person
He has enough of everything to feel happy with reason
Fortune and fame may push you to extreme side
You may have every opportunity to see the world as too wide
Wise person may take it lightly and stay fully calm
He may consider it as reward and stay in farm
After all it has come through his hard work and labor
He has everything to rejoice and nothing to harbor
If you can digest the honor and fame in right spirit
Then you may see the clear road ahead in dark or dimly lit
It may encourage you to do more and stay fit
Failure or success may be right way to treat
It makes you blind with sudden rise or success
Whole world is in near vicinity and you have an easy access
You may find it par at excellence and easy to digest
You may also frown upon if some one comes to suggest
It tends to make you to think others as second grade
You dark past doesn't bother you at all memory fade
You think it has come to you by work and luck
You are lost in oblivion, have dilemma and struck
It is real test for you to stand fast in such situation
You may loose sympathy for the lack of evaluation
It is your clean image that may rescue you from fall
Peron must have courage to prove for the right call
Not all may maintain amidst rising fame
They will curse others and pass the blame
Whole credit may be given to their entire efforts
This may take them away to maintain good rapports
Nothing comes in the way if you maintain calm posture
No comments or silence may enable you to decide the future
You may be considered noble and trust worthy
You will have all praise and sympathy
Love the world and live with it as simple challenge
You must have clear goal as how to adjust and rearrange
It has nothing to do with your present status
You may rise or fall without losing the trust
He, who swims across, may find it easy
His path may be smooth and rosy
The sun may be shining all the way
It may be considered as golden day