Life has been a struggle since the days of early man, even in the Garden of Eden, after Adam and Eve sinned; they had to struggle to survive.
It's like that for most humans on the Earth, in one way or the other.
I do not think life is supposed to be a care free, happy experience, if it was always that way, what would we have to strive for? Man and woman are physical beings, living inside temporary physical shells called human bodies.
We must work or at least keep active to become and stay physically fit, if we do not, we will soon find ourselves overweight, and then we will start developing more serious things that a lack of physical activity and being overweight can bring upon us, such as diabetes, joint problems, and heart disease.
I myself was severely overweight for years, in fact from the time I was in third grade or so, I gained a lot of weight, and I was very heavy all through the rest of my School years.
As I got older, there were times when I dieted and did lose a lot of weight over the years, but sooner or later the power of the flesh overtook my will, and I ate the junk food and calories my mind craved, and I found myself severely overweight again.
Around the year 2007, I weighed a whopping 400 pounds, I was severely obese, and was a ticking time bomb as far as poor health.
I wore pants that had a waist size of 50, and they were getting so tight, I could hardly fasten them, and my shirts were a size 5 XL.
I knew this was ridiculous, and in a way I felt ashamed because I knew I was committing suicide, by being like this.
I felt lousy all the time, I had no energy, and my feet ached horribly when I stood very long, or walked.
I would sweat when I walked down the hall at work, or simply went to a store and browsed.
I started watching what I ate, and began walking, needless to say, I dropped around 200 pounds, I am now in my fifties, and feel a lot better than I did at age 30.
I used to smoke for years, and one day I took an almost full pack of cigarettes, crumbled them up, and threw them in the trash.
I cannot believe I was so stupid to smoke, I knew cigarettes were bad for me, I mean who in their right mind, thinks that breathing in smoke laced with chemicals is good for them.
I wanted to mention the trials and tribulations I went through with the obesity and smoking, just to let you realize, that we are all human, and unless you have some medical condition that truly makes you severely overweight, you can lose the pounds or stop smoking, and turn your life around, I did it, and you can too.
There are a lot of problems that we all go through in life, and many are plagued with these problems every day of their lives.
We all have, or will quite probably experience severe physical pain, death of a loved one, friends that move away, accidents, surgeries, sickness and disease, and probably a lot more problems, as we journey through life.
As of writing this, I have lived alone now, for quite a few years, I like going walking each day, I usually go to work part time each weekday, watch a little TV, maybe go to the store and read the newspaper and have a coffee, and that is about the basic routine I follow, most days.
Of course I occasionally go fishing, or go visit my daughter and her Family.
By most people's standards or ways of thinking, my life would be very boring, or sad to them.
They would think I had no excitement, and that I was very lonely.
To tell you the truth, being human, there was many times in the past where I felt very lonely, and there were times when I wished my life was more exciting.
But, mostly I am very happy, and I don't know if I would really want to change anything, I probably have become very set in my ways of living, and am very comfortable being the way I am, and how my life is.
I enjoy going walking, going to the movies or out to dinner at a restaurant, and I have a great time all by myself, with nobody constantly pressuring, or arguing with me.
If the Lord thinks I need a woman as a companion or wife, he will provide such for me, otherwise I have no trouble staying single, not dating, or even having a companion to do things with.
Over the years I hear a lot of people saying how lonely, or scary, or sad their lifestyles are.
These people seem to think they cannot go through life without a human companion, or cope without visiting bars to get drunk a lot, or doing drugs to make them feel good, to me such thinking and activities, is ridiculous.
I am happy each day I wake up, and have a great time enjoying life.
Just sitting in a store, reading the newspaper and drinking a coffee is fun to me, as well as taking a nice long walk to burn some calories and help me stay active.
I enjoy going to work at my current job, and the extra physical activity makes me feel great physically and mentally.
It used to always make me wonder, what the heck is it that causes so many people to constantly think that their lives are so horrible, because many of these people had spouses, children, homes, nice vehicles, and more, yet they always seemed so unhappy.
They seem to think they need to get drunk a lot, or do drugs, just to cope with daily living, and to be happy.
Then it hit me one day, why am I so happy with my lifestyle which would be very boring, lonely and sad to most people? It is because I have Jesus Christ in my life, in fact Jesus Christ is my life, and he is my best friend, he is there in times of need, he is my companion, and most importantly my Lord and Savior, there is nothing else I truly need, and no one else I truly want, besides him.
My life on this Earth is great, and when my fleshly, physical body dies, my life will be a millions times better.
I believe the sadness, loneliness, depression and hopelessness, that people feel, is because they do not have Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
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It's like that for most humans on the Earth, in one way or the other.
I do not think life is supposed to be a care free, happy experience, if it was always that way, what would we have to strive for? Man and woman are physical beings, living inside temporary physical shells called human bodies.
We must work or at least keep active to become and stay physically fit, if we do not, we will soon find ourselves overweight, and then we will start developing more serious things that a lack of physical activity and being overweight can bring upon us, such as diabetes, joint problems, and heart disease.
I myself was severely overweight for years, in fact from the time I was in third grade or so, I gained a lot of weight, and I was very heavy all through the rest of my School years.
As I got older, there were times when I dieted and did lose a lot of weight over the years, but sooner or later the power of the flesh overtook my will, and I ate the junk food and calories my mind craved, and I found myself severely overweight again.
Around the year 2007, I weighed a whopping 400 pounds, I was severely obese, and was a ticking time bomb as far as poor health.
I wore pants that had a waist size of 50, and they were getting so tight, I could hardly fasten them, and my shirts were a size 5 XL.
I knew this was ridiculous, and in a way I felt ashamed because I knew I was committing suicide, by being like this.
I felt lousy all the time, I had no energy, and my feet ached horribly when I stood very long, or walked.
I would sweat when I walked down the hall at work, or simply went to a store and browsed.
I started watching what I ate, and began walking, needless to say, I dropped around 200 pounds, I am now in my fifties, and feel a lot better than I did at age 30.
I used to smoke for years, and one day I took an almost full pack of cigarettes, crumbled them up, and threw them in the trash.
I cannot believe I was so stupid to smoke, I knew cigarettes were bad for me, I mean who in their right mind, thinks that breathing in smoke laced with chemicals is good for them.
I wanted to mention the trials and tribulations I went through with the obesity and smoking, just to let you realize, that we are all human, and unless you have some medical condition that truly makes you severely overweight, you can lose the pounds or stop smoking, and turn your life around, I did it, and you can too.
There are a lot of problems that we all go through in life, and many are plagued with these problems every day of their lives.
We all have, or will quite probably experience severe physical pain, death of a loved one, friends that move away, accidents, surgeries, sickness and disease, and probably a lot more problems, as we journey through life.
As of writing this, I have lived alone now, for quite a few years, I like going walking each day, I usually go to work part time each weekday, watch a little TV, maybe go to the store and read the newspaper and have a coffee, and that is about the basic routine I follow, most days.
Of course I occasionally go fishing, or go visit my daughter and her Family.
By most people's standards or ways of thinking, my life would be very boring, or sad to them.
They would think I had no excitement, and that I was very lonely.
To tell you the truth, being human, there was many times in the past where I felt very lonely, and there were times when I wished my life was more exciting.
But, mostly I am very happy, and I don't know if I would really want to change anything, I probably have become very set in my ways of living, and am very comfortable being the way I am, and how my life is.
I enjoy going walking, going to the movies or out to dinner at a restaurant, and I have a great time all by myself, with nobody constantly pressuring, or arguing with me.
If the Lord thinks I need a woman as a companion or wife, he will provide such for me, otherwise I have no trouble staying single, not dating, or even having a companion to do things with.
Over the years I hear a lot of people saying how lonely, or scary, or sad their lifestyles are.
These people seem to think they cannot go through life without a human companion, or cope without visiting bars to get drunk a lot, or doing drugs to make them feel good, to me such thinking and activities, is ridiculous.
I am happy each day I wake up, and have a great time enjoying life.
Just sitting in a store, reading the newspaper and drinking a coffee is fun to me, as well as taking a nice long walk to burn some calories and help me stay active.
I enjoy going to work at my current job, and the extra physical activity makes me feel great physically and mentally.
It used to always make me wonder, what the heck is it that causes so many people to constantly think that their lives are so horrible, because many of these people had spouses, children, homes, nice vehicles, and more, yet they always seemed so unhappy.
They seem to think they need to get drunk a lot, or do drugs, just to cope with daily living, and to be happy.
Then it hit me one day, why am I so happy with my lifestyle which would be very boring, lonely and sad to most people? It is because I have Jesus Christ in my life, in fact Jesus Christ is my life, and he is my best friend, he is there in times of need, he is my companion, and most importantly my Lord and Savior, there is nothing else I truly need, and no one else I truly want, besides him.
My life on this Earth is great, and when my fleshly, physical body dies, my life will be a millions times better.
I believe the sadness, loneliness, depression and hopelessness, that people feel, is because they do not have Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
You may publish this article in your e-zine, newsletter or on your web site as long as it is reprinted in its entirety and without modification except for formatting needs or grammar corrections.