Health & Medical Body building

Bodybuilding Weight Training Secrets

There are many ways to bodybuilding weight training.
If you've done bodybuilding weight training and you like it, you are probably starting to see results.
If you had weight to lose, you've probably lost it and have that six pack proudly on display.
You probably look fit and feel plenty toned, but you might not see enough muscle to make you happy.
If you'd like to turn yourself into something even Adonis would be jealous of, or perhaps even enter into competition, it's time to make your workouts more challenging.
So here are my bodybuilding weight training secrets that I have found extremely effective.
If you've gotten this far, you are probably really serious about bodybuilding.
Now it's time to work things out and use advanced bodybuilding weight training techniques that everyone from professional athletes to wrestlers -- and even the military -- use.
If you've been on the right track, you've been slowly building up your strength, eat plenty of the right foods including protein, and have just basically been very serious about it.
Most people don't make it this far.
If you have, though, then you most likely have the patience to start building some advanced bodybuilding weight training techniques into your workout routine.
Things to Keep in Mind If you've been into bodybuilding for any period of time, you probably know that you have your pick of bodybuilding weight training styles, programs and exercises.
There's something for everyone, from beginner to advanced.
If you've gotten this serious about things, you need to be spending little bit more money on your sport, and you need to be more serious about your time commitment as well.
For starters, nutrition is key.
Eat properly and never skip a meal.
If you haven't been to see your doctor for a while, pay him or her a visit as well.
You need a check up to make sure you can handle the intensity this type of training will require before you get very serious about it, because you may be injured if you don't.
For example, you might have arms and legs that can handle any workout you put to it, but your back might not be able to take it.
It's better to find this out before you start than it is to be injured because you didn't.
Just to reassure you, you can still do advanced bodybuilding training techniques if you do have this type of difficulty.
For example, you can do leg lifts with a machine.
However, you'll need to avoid those things that would put a strain on your back.
If you've done all of this and you're ready to go, try these for starters.
Forced Reps: When you do forced reps, you lift a weight just as you would always do.
However, when you lift it, you go faster and faster.
One way to structure this is that you have a helper with you "force" the repetition as you lift the barbell on every 11th rep while you do the first 10 by yourself.
As you keep going, the barbell gets heavier and heavier.
Partials: With partials, instead of lifting a weight through its entire range of motion as you normally would, you lift it only partially and then hold it.
After you've finished each set, stretch.
This will help relax your muscles and will minimize pain, as well as reduce lactic acid buildup.
Pre-Exhaust Training: This works well if you just want to concentrate on building one area of muscle, such as your triceps.
You weight lift by lifting dumbbells straight over your head, but instead of resting between lifts, you go immediately into another exercise.
This is also known as "super setting.
" Giant Sets: This is somewhat similar to pre-exhaust training, but instead of resting between the series of exercises you are doing, you keep going without breaks.
Strip Sets: For strip sets, you need to use two spotters.
This is because you need to go so quickly.
You start by bench-pressing a barbell with a lot of weight on it.
Two spotters keep lowering the weight so that there is no rest between weight changes, as you would normally do.
What builds your muscles is the speed with which you do these kinds of advance bodybuilding weight training techniques.
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