Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Stress Related Infertility - Why You Should Stop Trying So Hard

Infertility stress is one of the major causes of conflict when it comes to a loving couples attempt to become pregnant.
Repeated failure to engender new life through mutual love can often lead to frustration and regretful anger generated by the stress of infertility treatments.
It is easy to understand why trying to get pregnant can cause many insurmountable rifts in a relationship.
There are many biological causes for infertility.
In men it could be something as simple and unfortunate as blood vessels in the testicles that are slightly larger than necessary.
These enlarged veins keep the testicles warmer than the normal male and this affects their sperm count.
Other issues may be injury-related, or oddly shaped spermatozoa, sperm for short.
While there are several external causes for infertility, three of the most often cited are age; diseases such as mumps; and environmental toxins, such as pesticides.
Each of these have been determined to aid in the increase of infertility.
In women, infertility is often caused by blockages in the fallopian tubes which can be caused by inflammation, injury or surgery.
Other reasons behind this are age, STD's (sexually transmitted disease), and health issues caused by hormonal changes in the body.
Determining if a woman is truly infertile requires medical testing.
Normally these tests are performed after a minimum of six months of proper attempts at pregnancy.
Clinical infertility is described as being unable to get pregnant after one year of sincere attempts, or six months of similar attempts if over the age of thirty-five.
For both genders, one of the most common issues that cause infertility is stress.
Stress from daily life mounted atop the stress and frustration of repeated failed attempts at starting a new life can actually further reduce the chances of pregnancy thereby intensifying infertility stress.
Infertility stress is caused by repeated attempts at becoming pregnant that end in failure.
Everything that is suggested is done properly but still the 'magic' doesn't happen.
To combat this, there are many medical techniques - from taking harsh drugs to invasive assisted pregnancy operations such as artificial insemination.
There are, however, many natural methods to aid in reducing infertility stress, or the stress of infertility treatments.
Some of these methods vary but many involve meditation, a change in diet, simple relaxation tools, and learning to let go of the desire to become pregnant.
It is often noted that one of the major blocks for a couple attempting to become pregnant is the fact that they try so hard.
This makes the procedure too clinical and results in mundane sexual experiences.
Learning to relax will reduce infertility stress.
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