- 1). Park the Sportster on a flat, level work area with good ventilation. Start the Sportster and let it idle in place for three to five minutes. Stop the engine and let it cool for at least 10 minutes.
- 2). Mount the Sportster on a service stand to support it in a level, upright position. Place a drain pan beneath the larger portion of the primary cover on the left side of the motorcycle.
- 3). Loosen the drain bolt from the bottom of the primary cover, below the round derby cover, using a 5/8-inch socket and a socket wrench. Unscrew the drain bolt slowly by hand until primary oil begins to seep out from around the drain bolt threads. Pull the drain bolt away from the primary cover at an angle towards you to avoid being splashed by the draining primary oil. Allow at least five minutes for the oil to drain.
- 4). Pull the O-ring off the drain bolt and wipe the drain bolt threads and tip with a show towel to remove any debris. Screw the drain bolt into the primary cover by hand once the oil has drained completely. Tighten the drain bolt to 21 foot-pounds, using a torque wrench and a 5/8-inch socket.
- 5). Unscrew all five bolts attaching the round derby cover to the primary cover, using a T27 Torx socket and a socket wrench. Pull the derby cover and gasket off of the primary cover to expose the clutch assembly.
- 6). Pour 32 ounces of Harley-Davidson primary fluid directly into the primary. Stop filling when the fluid level is near the spring on the bottom of the clutch assembly. Wipe up any spilled primary fluid with a shop towel.
- 7). Reinstall the derby cover and gasket onto the primary cover. Screw the derby cover bolts into place until they touch the derby cover, using a handheld T27 Torx socket . Tighten the derby cover bolts in a crisscross pattern to 84 inch-pounds, using a torque wrench and a T27 Torx socket.
- 8). Remove the Sportster from the service stand, then lower it onto its side stand.