The rear view mirrors of cars and other vehicles require a special type of adhesive for holding the inner layer of their windshield and mounting buttons together. The more common term used for this adhesive type is rearview mirror adhesive. If you don't have the right kind of glue or if you end up using the right adhesive in a wrong manner, it will take only a few hours for the mirror to fall off. The rearview mirror is one of the most essential parts of a vehicle. It allows the person on the driver's seat to know what's happening behind; on this special mirror, you will be able to see what the vehicles following your car are trying to do. This makes the rearview mirror one of the most important safety features for any automobile. Thus we must always put in extra effort for making sure that this particular mirror of our car always stays in place and for that it must be glued on properly.
People who can invest 25 minutes and have mechanical aptitude will not find it hard to attach the rearview mirror to their vehicle's windshield. The section below will educate you about the process of using this specially formulated mirror adhesive.
€ The first step of the process will require you to draw an outline marking the surrounding region of old mounting button of your car's rear view mirror. You can use a grease pencil or crayon for completing the outlining job. For cars that do not even have the mounting button, the outline (a petite circle) should be drawn 4-6 inches away from the windshield's top i.e. around the center of the windshield.
€ Next, you will need to remove the glue residue that is still present on the wind shield. This job can be done best using razor blade scrapers. Once the scraping is done, clean the area carefully using a cleaning swab. The majority of the adhesive kits marketed for this purpose carry such swabs.
€ You should use the swab even for wiping the surface of the mounting button. Wait for 5 minutes and once the cleaned parts are dry, apply a tiny drop (the diameter of the drop should be same as that of a pea) of the rear view mirror adhesive on the button. You should give the applied glue some cure time (the exact cure time the glue will need stays specified on its packaging).
€ Your next job would be holding the mounting button against your vehicle windshield firmly. You should continue doing so for 1 to 5 minutes based on the instructions provided on the packaging.
€ Now take the rearview mirror and slip it over the button. Take your Allen wrench and tighten the device well. This completes the job of gluing a rear view mirror.
People who can invest 25 minutes and have mechanical aptitude will not find it hard to attach the rearview mirror to their vehicle's windshield. The section below will educate you about the process of using this specially formulated mirror adhesive.
€ The first step of the process will require you to draw an outline marking the surrounding region of old mounting button of your car's rear view mirror. You can use a grease pencil or crayon for completing the outlining job. For cars that do not even have the mounting button, the outline (a petite circle) should be drawn 4-6 inches away from the windshield's top i.e. around the center of the windshield.
€ Next, you will need to remove the glue residue that is still present on the wind shield. This job can be done best using razor blade scrapers. Once the scraping is done, clean the area carefully using a cleaning swab. The majority of the adhesive kits marketed for this purpose carry such swabs.
€ You should use the swab even for wiping the surface of the mounting button. Wait for 5 minutes and once the cleaned parts are dry, apply a tiny drop (the diameter of the drop should be same as that of a pea) of the rear view mirror adhesive on the button. You should give the applied glue some cure time (the exact cure time the glue will need stays specified on its packaging).
€ Your next job would be holding the mounting button against your vehicle windshield firmly. You should continue doing so for 1 to 5 minutes based on the instructions provided on the packaging.
€ Now take the rearview mirror and slip it over the button. Take your Allen wrench and tighten the device well. This completes the job of gluing a rear view mirror.