When you are trying to lose weight there is a lot to consider, such as your diet, calorie intake and levels o physical activity.
But one vital part of a healthy lifestyle is getting the right amount of sleep each night.
Sleep deprivation can have a dramatic effect on your body weight and you efforts to diet.
The Effects Of Lack Of Sleep On Weight Loss Getting the right amount of sleep will keep your hormones in check, and stop you getting stressed and fatigued.
Higher stress levels tend to increase appetite rather than deplete it as your body compensates for its lack of sleep.
Having lower levels of energy due to sleep deprivation can leave your body craving a sugary boost, leaving you more at risk to unhealthy snacking.
Tips For Getting A Good Nights Sleep Now that you are aware of how important sleep is to your weight and lifestyle, consider these suggestions to help you get a better sleep: - 1.
Walking Exercising in the last 3-4 hours before bed is not a good idea as it stimulates the body, but some light physical activity can be beneficial to your sleep that night.
A gentle walk in the evening can be great for relieving the tensions of the day.
Yoga is also another relaxing workout that can help.
Turn Of The Television Rather than spending the whole evening until bedtime vegetating in front of the television, turn it off and do something a little more relaxing to naturally slow down before sleep.
How about taking a nice bubble bath and lighting some scented candles? If you have an understanding partner then why not ask for a massage and offer one back in return? You could also listen to some soothing music before bed or try a little reading.
Try to avoid activities like video gaming that stimulate your brain too much.
Keep A Diary Or Journal Recording your thoughts before retiring for bed is a great way to clear your mind and avoid taking problems to bed with you.
If you get in the habit of keeping a journal or diary, then your thoughts can be transferred from your head on to the page.
You can also make lists for what you want to accomplish the following day, this will make you more organised and less stressed.
Practice Meditation Meditating before going to bed is an excellent way to clear your mind, control stress and relax your body.
Find a quiet room, close your eyes and take in some deep breaths as you let yourself go.
It takes practice, but you need to stick with it and meditation will become second nature and great for your quality of sleep.
Avoid Alcohol Too much alcohol before bed is a bad way to relax.
It will dehydrate your body and effect your quality of sleep.
Follow my tips for getting a good nights sleep, and you will wake up fresh and full of energy.
Always start the day with a healthy breakfast, to avoid unhealthy snacking before lunch.
Make sleep an important part of your weight loss strategy.
But one vital part of a healthy lifestyle is getting the right amount of sleep each night.
Sleep deprivation can have a dramatic effect on your body weight and you efforts to diet.
The Effects Of Lack Of Sleep On Weight Loss Getting the right amount of sleep will keep your hormones in check, and stop you getting stressed and fatigued.
Higher stress levels tend to increase appetite rather than deplete it as your body compensates for its lack of sleep.
Having lower levels of energy due to sleep deprivation can leave your body craving a sugary boost, leaving you more at risk to unhealthy snacking.
Tips For Getting A Good Nights Sleep Now that you are aware of how important sleep is to your weight and lifestyle, consider these suggestions to help you get a better sleep: - 1.
Walking Exercising in the last 3-4 hours before bed is not a good idea as it stimulates the body, but some light physical activity can be beneficial to your sleep that night.
A gentle walk in the evening can be great for relieving the tensions of the day.
Yoga is also another relaxing workout that can help.
Turn Of The Television Rather than spending the whole evening until bedtime vegetating in front of the television, turn it off and do something a little more relaxing to naturally slow down before sleep.
How about taking a nice bubble bath and lighting some scented candles? If you have an understanding partner then why not ask for a massage and offer one back in return? You could also listen to some soothing music before bed or try a little reading.
Try to avoid activities like video gaming that stimulate your brain too much.
Keep A Diary Or Journal Recording your thoughts before retiring for bed is a great way to clear your mind and avoid taking problems to bed with you.
If you get in the habit of keeping a journal or diary, then your thoughts can be transferred from your head on to the page.
You can also make lists for what you want to accomplish the following day, this will make you more organised and less stressed.
Practice Meditation Meditating before going to bed is an excellent way to clear your mind, control stress and relax your body.
Find a quiet room, close your eyes and take in some deep breaths as you let yourself go.
It takes practice, but you need to stick with it and meditation will become second nature and great for your quality of sleep.
Avoid Alcohol Too much alcohol before bed is a bad way to relax.
It will dehydrate your body and effect your quality of sleep.
Follow my tips for getting a good nights sleep, and you will wake up fresh and full of energy.
Always start the day with a healthy breakfast, to avoid unhealthy snacking before lunch.
Make sleep an important part of your weight loss strategy.