Cambridge Viscosity has just released a new version 2.0 viscometerwell known high-pressure PVT software. Version 2.0 contains many enhancements for easier and more efficient oil, gas and supercritical fluid viscosity tests. Users can now save the graph image to various video formats, including the "Save Window" function, an increase in consumption, and slow down the "Add Comment" Graph functions, and to extend the chart colors and settings.
The software optimizes the Cambridge high-pressure viscometer; VISCOlab PVT. VISCOlab PVT is the leading viscosity measuring system of high pressure and high temperature, viscosity analysis. This system combines the processor with advanced VISCOpro SPL440 sensor. The system employs an integrated recirculating bath to control the temperature from -20 ° C to 190 ° C, thereby reducing the heating time and space requirements. The system also includes a simple three-valve plumbing configuration of the control sample flow rate, and includes a horizontal, 45 degrees, the vertical configuration and ease of operation. In addition to mercury, the sensor requires only 5 ml of the sample. VISCOlab PVT viscosity is used to test the temperature of various applications, including oil exploration, research and restoration of gas and gas condensate; core analysis of the phase behavior, supercritical fluids and other complex applications.
Other new features include Windows 7 (32bit and 64bit) compatibility (also compatible with Windows XP), the flexibility that can be controlled bath at the number of decimal places displayed measurement, automatic display mode to wake up, bath and pressure for better configuration of the PC setup command interface and the logging interval adjustment of your computer.
SPL / C 392 sensor can be used in high-pressure flange viscosimeterenvironments to 1400 PSI, "said Director of Engineering at Cambridge Daniel Airey." This sensor is especially effective in the marine fuel oil pipelines and refineries. "
SPL / C 392-line viscometer provides continuous, real-time measurement of temperature and viscosity. Patented sensor technology is based on a simple, reliable electromagnetic concept. Two coils pull the plunger back and forth through the regularly updated process fluid sample. Proprietary scheme for analyzing the piston travel time determined the absolute viscosity. Built-in resistance temperature detector (RTD) senses the actual temperature of the measuring chamber.
Measurements can be performed in any 13 different viscosity ranges of 20:01, covering the span of 0.2 20.000 cP. The sensor is designed to screw the four stainless steel SAE Code 61 flange and is easily installed in pipelines from 2 "and larger. Self-cleaning sensor function provides low maintenance and ease of use across applications.
Of Cambridge Viscosity
Cambridge Viscosity is one of the leading suppliers of automated viscometers used in oil exploration and processing, coatings, chemicals and life sciences companies to optimize product and process performance. Cambridge Viscosity sensors and viscometer systems conform to ASTM, DIN, JIS and ISO standards, various models designed to meet specific industry and application needs.
ATEX type certification of CE and FM. CSA certification is available upon request. Cambridge provides a world-wide application of technical support and services anywhere and, if necessary.
The software optimizes the Cambridge high-pressure viscometer; VISCOlab PVT. VISCOlab PVT is the leading viscosity measuring system of high pressure and high temperature, viscosity analysis. This system combines the processor with advanced VISCOpro SPL440 sensor. The system employs an integrated recirculating bath to control the temperature from -20 ° C to 190 ° C, thereby reducing the heating time and space requirements. The system also includes a simple three-valve plumbing configuration of the control sample flow rate, and includes a horizontal, 45 degrees, the vertical configuration and ease of operation. In addition to mercury, the sensor requires only 5 ml of the sample. VISCOlab PVT viscosity is used to test the temperature of various applications, including oil exploration, research and restoration of gas and gas condensate; core analysis of the phase behavior, supercritical fluids and other complex applications.
Other new features include Windows 7 (32bit and 64bit) compatibility (also compatible with Windows XP), the flexibility that can be controlled bath at the number of decimal places displayed measurement, automatic display mode to wake up, bath and pressure for better configuration of the PC setup command interface and the logging interval adjustment of your computer.
SPL / C 392 sensor can be used in high-pressure flange viscosimeterenvironments to 1400 PSI, "said Director of Engineering at Cambridge Daniel Airey." This sensor is especially effective in the marine fuel oil pipelines and refineries. "
SPL / C 392-line viscometer provides continuous, real-time measurement of temperature and viscosity. Patented sensor technology is based on a simple, reliable electromagnetic concept. Two coils pull the plunger back and forth through the regularly updated process fluid sample. Proprietary scheme for analyzing the piston travel time determined the absolute viscosity. Built-in resistance temperature detector (RTD) senses the actual temperature of the measuring chamber.
Measurements can be performed in any 13 different viscosity ranges of 20:01, covering the span of 0.2 20.000 cP. The sensor is designed to screw the four stainless steel SAE Code 61 flange and is easily installed in pipelines from 2 "and larger. Self-cleaning sensor function provides low maintenance and ease of use across applications.
Of Cambridge Viscosity
Cambridge Viscosity is one of the leading suppliers of automated viscometers used in oil exploration and processing, coatings, chemicals and life sciences companies to optimize product and process performance. Cambridge Viscosity sensors and viscometer systems conform to ASTM, DIN, JIS and ISO standards, various models designed to meet specific industry and application needs.
ATEX type certification of CE and FM. CSA certification is available upon request. Cambridge provides a world-wide application of technical support and services anywhere and, if necessary.