The Korean consumer electronics company, Samsung, emerged once again as the world leader in sales of flat panel televisions during the fourth quarter of 2010, while the nine-year-old American start-up Vizio was the best seller of LCD TV's in North America. Although Vizio sold the most televisions, the older and larger Samsung still posted the highest revenue. Over one in every five dollars spent in North America and world-wide on televisions, winds up in Samsung's coffers.
Overall, North Americans bought more televisions during the 2010 holiday season than at any other time of the year. This high volume was driven both by the recovering economy and the cheaper sets offered by Vizio. However when consumers decided to buy higher-quality tellies, they turned to Samsung, driving that company's profits above Vizio.
A third company, Sony, accounted for just a little over half of the sales that Samsung did, but saw a much higher growth. Its sales were up 54% over the 3rd quarter. Samsung saw a 27% growth. All other companies, including LGE and Panasonic, posted varying degrees of growth, both over their 3rd quarter sales and over the same time last year.
Everyone reported dismal figures in the third quarter of 2010 but record-setting sales in the fourth quarter turned the entire year into one of strong growth. In all, a total of 77.6 million sets were sold in the fourth quarter alone. North America is given credit for the turnaround, accounting for the highest number of sets purchased worldwide.
Samsung was the preferred brand when it came to buying a LCD TV. This is a significant fact since LCD TV sales are growing at a faster rate than plasma sales partly due to a decline in price for back-lit LCD sets. Plasma televisions are still selling strongly but their growth rate seems to be flattening as consumers see LCD's begin to fall into their price range.
Flat-screen TVs are surging in popularity in the U.S. and Europe. However, the Japanese are the leaders in flat-screen purchasing per household. Growth in the Japanese flat-screen market was over 100% last year. This was mainly due to a government "Eco-points" program that encouraged and rewarded buying these sets.
Samsung's new line of small tvs is capturing a lot of attention. Its 22 inch lcd tv is perfect for smaller rooms and offers high quality at a particularly affordable price.
Broken down by type:
3DTVs make up around 9% of total telly sales and capture 20% of the Japanese market.
LED-back lit LCD televisions are 30 percent of the LCD market and are expected to grow as consumers take advantage of LCD tv deals.
Overall, North Americans bought more televisions during the 2010 holiday season than at any other time of the year. This high volume was driven both by the recovering economy and the cheaper sets offered by Vizio. However when consumers decided to buy higher-quality tellies, they turned to Samsung, driving that company's profits above Vizio.
A third company, Sony, accounted for just a little over half of the sales that Samsung did, but saw a much higher growth. Its sales were up 54% over the 3rd quarter. Samsung saw a 27% growth. All other companies, including LGE and Panasonic, posted varying degrees of growth, both over their 3rd quarter sales and over the same time last year.
Everyone reported dismal figures in the third quarter of 2010 but record-setting sales in the fourth quarter turned the entire year into one of strong growth. In all, a total of 77.6 million sets were sold in the fourth quarter alone. North America is given credit for the turnaround, accounting for the highest number of sets purchased worldwide.
Samsung was the preferred brand when it came to buying a LCD TV. This is a significant fact since LCD TV sales are growing at a faster rate than plasma sales partly due to a decline in price for back-lit LCD sets. Plasma televisions are still selling strongly but their growth rate seems to be flattening as consumers see LCD's begin to fall into their price range.
Flat-screen TVs are surging in popularity in the U.S. and Europe. However, the Japanese are the leaders in flat-screen purchasing per household. Growth in the Japanese flat-screen market was over 100% last year. This was mainly due to a government "Eco-points" program that encouraged and rewarded buying these sets.
Samsung's new line of small tvs is capturing a lot of attention. Its 22 inch lcd tv is perfect for smaller rooms and offers high quality at a particularly affordable price.
Broken down by type:
3DTVs make up around 9% of total telly sales and capture 20% of the Japanese market.
LED-back lit LCD televisions are 30 percent of the LCD market and are expected to grow as consumers take advantage of LCD tv deals.