Time, your filled with "a certain awesome beyond magic" that we shant deny; Please magnificent time, spare us some of "your time", to share with us your secret of seemingly flying at times.
Yes time, we know we fall shy of your many blessings, as we see you pass, and once again wonder, "Where it is that you go?"; As you blow by us ever so swiftly, yet ever so near, to our hearts; Yes, your here, there, and every everywhere, that everywhere is, or could possibly be; Yes we believe your our friend, harsh times, and bountiful times alike;We try to understand you time, for you've given us time enough time, to do more than "just learn" to love you; Or just simply, earn "our wages', from your "free gifts", and then some! Time, oh most blessed time, even though we "try to kill you", or "just plain and simply waste you"; Please once more bless us with more of you, and shed your magnificent treasures of life and splendid wonders of miracles, with at least a blessed clue for the now-chow, beyond "just eye-candy"; Land sakes, then it came to us, all at once beyond, "pay-dirt!", and then some! To sum it up, down, and all around;Just "flat-out" boldly, and quite bluntly; Listen!, just plain and simply listen to your heart tic, and let me "slip away", and then come back to life again and again each and every day; For I time, may have a somewhat different type of heart then you, but in the spirit of the love that made it, "I live on!", "I live on!"; In bits and pieces, that are more than enough, if the same love that made me come to be, is more than just a part of you; "But rather, that spirit of truth, that make's you tic too, with me;For without you, I your "time friend", would pass much quicker, if I chose to even live on, and most certainly without you, not be able "to fly as well as I do"; Thank's, a "more than just, "a blessed multitude" for your help; And flat-out once again, "Remember to take the time out, to listen to your heart, tic too, and let it talk to you, even beyond, "your time pieces": So never ever, I time, your friend don't beyond "fade away"!Thank's, "a hotter than hot, love alot", and even then some!; Your friend, "Time for all time", and then some!
Yes time, we know we fall shy of your many blessings, as we see you pass, and once again wonder, "Where it is that you go?"; As you blow by us ever so swiftly, yet ever so near, to our hearts; Yes, your here, there, and every everywhere, that everywhere is, or could possibly be; Yes we believe your our friend, harsh times, and bountiful times alike;We try to understand you time, for you've given us time enough time, to do more than "just learn" to love you; Or just simply, earn "our wages', from your "free gifts", and then some! Time, oh most blessed time, even though we "try to kill you", or "just plain and simply waste you"; Please once more bless us with more of you, and shed your magnificent treasures of life and splendid wonders of miracles, with at least a blessed clue for the now-chow, beyond "just eye-candy"; Land sakes, then it came to us, all at once beyond, "pay-dirt!", and then some! To sum it up, down, and all around;Just "flat-out" boldly, and quite bluntly; Listen!, just plain and simply listen to your heart tic, and let me "slip away", and then come back to life again and again each and every day; For I time, may have a somewhat different type of heart then you, but in the spirit of the love that made it, "I live on!", "I live on!"; In bits and pieces, that are more than enough, if the same love that made me come to be, is more than just a part of you; "But rather, that spirit of truth, that make's you tic too, with me;For without you, I your "time friend", would pass much quicker, if I chose to even live on, and most certainly without you, not be able "to fly as well as I do"; Thank's, a "more than just, "a blessed multitude" for your help; And flat-out once again, "Remember to take the time out, to listen to your heart, tic too, and let it talk to you, even beyond, "your time pieces": So never ever, I time, your friend don't beyond "fade away"!Thank's, "a hotter than hot, love alot", and even then some!; Your friend, "Time for all time", and then some!