Society & Culture & Entertainment Reading & Book Reviews

The Totality of All Being, Volume 1 - Lucifer"s Experiment - Book Review

Free will...
is it what makes us human? How did we come to have this choice to guide our lives? In "Lucifer's Experiment" by Jane Joyce, it was the archangel Lucifer that gave us free will, in an experiment of earthly proportions.
But Lucifer is not who most think he is.
Is the trial a success? Or is it time for the earth to be resurfaced once again? Incarnated as a young girl named Cameron, the archangel Lucifer conducts his experiment.
Can the humans of earth ascend and heal the damage that they have done? The people of earth put out negative energy that affects the souls of other entities throughout the universe.
The angelic beings gather to decide whether or not it is time to cancel the experiment and wipe clean the surface of the earth.
Perhaps another flood or maybe a nuclear disaster would do the job but Lucifer appeals to the One Source and the beings of it to give earth a little more time.
Incarnated as Cameron, the work begins to help humans become enlightened.
Seeming miracles are performed and a plan is set into motion.
Can the healing of earth begin with a creation of a satellite planet named Lunar? Two scientists are part of the plan, set forth before they were even born, to create an atmosphere on the moon and develop living plant life that can withstand the harsh environment.
This will hopefully create a harmony with the earth that will begin to heal the negativity in the universe.
But will the humans of earth embrace such a plan? Cameron begins to be seen as first an anti-Christ and then as a Messiah herself.
This love is the seed that was needed.
Will it continue to grow and flourish? And will it be enough to balance with another presence that is spreading over the earth as well? Jane Joyce offers a voice of wisdom with messages of intellect, love and hope.
In this fictional tale that could be seen as science fiction, fantasy, and even religious or zen, there is a message of enlightenment and universal acceptance.
"The Totality of All Being" is the beginning of the title but it is also the underlying message of the book.
This isn't just an enjoyable read but one that will leave you thinking of possibilities you may have only dreamed about.
I enjoyed connecting with some passages that have been thoughts of my own and being happily surprised that I was not alone in my thinking.
I anticipate the release of any further writings of Jane Joyce.
Weaving poetry and philosophy into an exciting work of fiction is an art form that this author is practicing, much to the delight of this reviewer.
The Totality of All Being, Volume 1: Lucifer's Experiment By Jane Joyce
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