Positive thinking has been promoted as a must have character trait for years.
Many believe in the power of positive thinking and many more think it is just a bunch of nonsense.
The kicker is: They are both right! Positive thinking is related to your beliefs.
So the catch is; if you believe it does not work then it won't.
And if you believe it does work, well, then it will.
However, that being said, the main reason it does not work for non-believers is because of their negative belief; they don't even give it a try.
But anyone can get positive results and tend to become believers of positive thinking once they put it into action.
Norman Vincent Peale once said: "If you have zest and enthusiasm you attract zest and enthusiasm.
Life does give back in kind.
" Once you start to plant seeds of positive thinking, it begins a chain reaction.
It encourages those around you and that in turn encourages you.
It is contagious.
When you choose to think positive, you will eventually speak and act positive.
What's in your heart is the true reflection of who you are.
Keep in mind: There is no harm in living with a positive outlook.
But there is great harm in living with a negative outlook.
Just like a joke or a smile can break the tension in a group of people, your positive thoughts have the power to break the tension and discouragement in your life and move you toward success.
Clear the negative thoughts that may be planted in your mind by daily watering the positive ones.
Do this by speaking to yourself daily something similar to the following positive affirmation: "I was intended to express joy and success.
I am victory minded.
God created me to win out in life.
I was born to live life with peace and hope.
" If any of this rings true: Start planting positive seeds of change and watch as the positive vibes you send out result in your own harvest.
The fact that you are reading this is a great indication that the seeds of change are already there.
Now go start watering your positive attitude.
May your heart be abundantly positive and your life full of growing prosperity!
Many believe in the power of positive thinking and many more think it is just a bunch of nonsense.
The kicker is: They are both right! Positive thinking is related to your beliefs.
So the catch is; if you believe it does not work then it won't.
And if you believe it does work, well, then it will.
However, that being said, the main reason it does not work for non-believers is because of their negative belief; they don't even give it a try.
But anyone can get positive results and tend to become believers of positive thinking once they put it into action.
Norman Vincent Peale once said: "If you have zest and enthusiasm you attract zest and enthusiasm.
Life does give back in kind.
" Once you start to plant seeds of positive thinking, it begins a chain reaction.
It encourages those around you and that in turn encourages you.
It is contagious.
When you choose to think positive, you will eventually speak and act positive.
"As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.If you water and tend to the positive thoughts planted in your mind they begin to grow and take root in your heart.
" - Proverbs 23:7
What's in your heart is the true reflection of who you are.
Keep in mind: There is no harm in living with a positive outlook.
But there is great harm in living with a negative outlook.
Just like a joke or a smile can break the tension in a group of people, your positive thoughts have the power to break the tension and discouragement in your life and move you toward success.
Clear the negative thoughts that may be planted in your mind by daily watering the positive ones.
Do this by speaking to yourself daily something similar to the following positive affirmation: "I was intended to express joy and success.
I am victory minded.
God created me to win out in life.
I was born to live life with peace and hope.
" If any of this rings true: Start planting positive seeds of change and watch as the positive vibes you send out result in your own harvest.
The fact that you are reading this is a great indication that the seeds of change are already there.
Now go start watering your positive attitude.
May your heart be abundantly positive and your life full of growing prosperity!