Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Be Sexy - Top Five Goddess Props

As an expert in any field, you need tools of the trade.
An artist needs their brushes and paints, a carpenter needs a saw and a hammer - a fully fledged sex goddess needs her props too.
It is so much easier for women to explore their sexualities using sex toys and intimate apparell.
Never before has it been so widely acceptable and readily available for women to buy vibrators, lubes and even porn.
As sex goddesses, we should embrace the changing attitudes of society and fully express our goddess desires! Here we explore the top five props for the ultimate sex goddess - 1- VIBRATOR - sounds an obvious prop to start with, but there are so many to choose from, its sometimes difficult to know where to start.
Firstly, work out what you want a vibrator for.
Is it for clitoral or vaginal stimulation? or both? is it a penis substitute or just a gorgeous buzzing sensation you're after? There is obviously no harm in owning a variety of different vibrators and dildos, different sizes and shapes for different occasions.
Some may be for quiet nights in alone, and others ones where your boyfriend can join in the fun.
2 - LUBE - a goddesses bedside table must.
A added sensual extra or a must for when foreplay just isn't doing the trick.
Now available in a variety of flavours, textures and sensations, try a different one depending on the occasion.
A tingly mint lube will liven up clitoral stimulation, where as a silky smooth lube will be just the ticket for a hand-job treat for your partner.
3- HANDCUFFS - like all our props mentioned here, available in a wide variety of finishes.
Fluffy pink, leather or metal - the choice is yours.
Fun to use on men and women and a fabulous inclusion in to many role play scenarios.
Just make sure you're both comfortable with the suggestion first and are both up for the experiment.
4 - SILK SCARVES - similar to hand cuffs but slightly more sensual and definitely more versatile! Scarves are the failsafe bondage prop.
They tie and untie easily so you won't ruin the moment by getting stuck, or losing the key! They also double as blindfolds so make sure you have a couple if you're wanting to do both! 5- VIDEO CAMERA - with technology now becoming cheaper and easier to use, anyone can make their own porn movie at home.
Make sure you have both agreed to the rules first, you don't want to suddenly see yourself on You Tube.
You might need a tripod or stand too, to make filming easier.
Use the other props mentioned in this article and you will be able to watch back all your new props in action!
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