Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

How to Deal With the Average Cost of Infertility Treatment

Infertility treatments and medications can be very expensive and can run into thousands of dollars.
Especially for IVF treatments, a single IVF cycle can run from $8000 to $15000.
Depending on the requirement and the seriousness of the condition, a number of cycles are needed to treat infertility.
For people who need specialized IVF treatments such as genetic testing and ICSIs which is also known as intracytoplasmic sperm injection; the cost of treatments will be a lot more expensive as compared to the normal procedures.
There is no guarantee provided for IVF and as such couples may have to spend exorbitant amounts to conceive a child.
There are several ways in which couples can try and afford treatment.
One of the most recommended options is to purchase infertility insurance.
There are several providers who offer infertility insurance and while some of them do not offer to couples who are already diagnosed with infertility, there are others who offer to cover a part of the expenses.
Several couples who already have health insurance may not know that they are covered by infertility insurance till they go over the terms and conditions of their plan.
It is very important that couples read the plan completely and then review the coverage offered for infertility treatment and then determine the coverage that will be offered to you.
A phone call to the insurance company should also be made to learn more about the policy.
Flexible spending accounts which are offered as a part of employee benefits can be taken advantage of when paying infertility treatment costs.
There are usually limits placed on the amount but infertility treatment will likely be one of the prescribed causes to use the account.
Hence a conversation with the employer to learn more about these accounts is necessary.
Several retirement plans permit employees to borrow from their 401(k) plan.
Though several restrictions may apply, couples can usually make use of this method.
Equity loans can also be used to cover for the medication and treatment costs.
Taking an additional mortgage to cover higher costs can also be termed as an option.
Several fertility clinics offer different and special methods of payment.
Use of credit cards can also be done.
There are also shared risk and IVF refund programs offered and these plans vary from one clinic to the other.
Couples need to pay upfront for a number of IVF cycles, with the average number of cycles that need to be paid for being three.
After which the clinic has to pay back the entire upfront or a portion back to the couple if they did not experience a successful IVF cycle among the cycles they had previously paid for.
There are several rules about the eligibility of couples to qualify for this program as couples that have less chances of conceiving are not accepted into this program.
Thus with several options being present, couples that seek hormone fertility treatment can look into the different options and then consider the best one for their situation.
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