Home & Garden Pest Control

How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs - Home Remedies

A bed is a nice place to be in especially after a busy day.
You can stretch your arms and legs and get rid of all those muscle aches so you can sleep through the night peacefully.
But there can be hindrances to your relaxation that if not remedied quickly, may cause some serious discomforts to you.
These threats are bed bugs which can be the most unpleasant visitors that ever invaded your home.
They are the last creatures in this world that anyone would want to share his bed with.
Those who are unfortunate enough to be visited by these pests desperately look for ways on how to get rid of bed bugs.
Simply cleaning your bed and bedroom premises will not kill all the bedbugs that are present in the area.
These pesky little pests do not care whether your home is clean or not.
If they find your bed or couch, it is like hitting the jackpot for them and it would take a lot of effort to get them off their lodgings.
There are many methods that are used on how to get rid of bed bugs but the most effective method is through the use of extreme heat.
They do not survive for long in a hot climate so if you are living in a hot desert, you will not have a problem with them.
A known fact about them is that temperatures above one hundred and thirteen degrees are deadly for them so steam cleaning would be very effective.
You can steam the affected area yourself or you can hire a professional exterminator to do it.
Everything in the area should be stripped down to make the extermination efforts more effective.
If it is possible, it is not only the specific area that should be cleaned but the whole house as well.
This will ensure that you kill other bed bugs which might be lodging in other parts of your home.
Bed bugs are very small creatures and they can hide effectively in the smallest crevices and cracks.
The methods on how to kill bed bugs effectively dictates that you remove even light plates as well, since anything that has cracks in it is a potential hiding place.
Another way on how to kill bed mites include washing the beddings and clothes in hot water.
You do not have to use any chemicals since a simple detergent would do.
You can also use a vacuum to clean mattresses, box springs and bed frames.
If you choose to use chemicals, there are several that are commercially available.
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