Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Tips To Help You Pick Up Beautiful Asian Women

Hey, this is Dean Cortez I want to share several quick tips to help you with meeting beautiful Asian women. (Because the truth is, dating Asian girls requires specific tactics that you wouldn't use with non-Asian women...)

Now let's get into it. This 1st tip on dating Asian girls might seem a little obvious, but it's super-important for you to present cleanliness and very good personal hygiene when you're around Asian women. This is really important to them! They truly believe in the expression "cleanliness is next to Godliness."

If you hang around a lot of Asian girls, it's evident how much they value hygiene and maintaining a presentable appearance. Asian women typically won't leave their house without first fixing their hair and makeup, and if they're just going to run a quick errand. (Western women, on the other hand, will often just put on a baseball cap and a baggy sweatshirt.)

So whenever you're dating Asian women -- or you want to attract Asian women -- you absolutely must look clean, well-groomed and presentable. It's always better for you to be slightly over-dressed, rather than under-dressed.

Especially when you're out on dates with Asian girls! You should always assume that a beautiful Asian woman is going to show up looking her best. If she shows up wearing a classy dress and you walk in wearing shorts and a tee-shirt, you can forget about ever seeing that girl again.

Extra word of advice: If you have been wearing facial hair, you should strongly consider getting rid of it. Go with a clean-shaven look. Women (not just Asian women) almost universally agree that they prefer clean-shaven men. But this is especially important with Asian girls, who have sensitive skin and really don't want to rub up against your beard or your rough stubble. Plus, Asian men rarely have facial hair. (If you've worn a beard or a goattee for years, shaving it off is also a great way to make a "fresh start" and feel good about your appearance.)

My next tip on dating Asian women: you've got to communicate to Asian girls that you are an organized guy who has his life in order. They don't understand people who are constantly "soul searching" and trying to figure out what they want out of life. In their culture, the men work hard, and with a sense of purpose, and they are totally self-sufficient. If you're sharing a messy apartment with a roommate, and you don't appear to be making any forward progress with your life, it's going to be very difficult for you to attract high-quality Asian women.

This does not mean that you need to make tons of money, or have some impressive high-powered career. It simply means that you must be able to show women that you're organized. If you live in an apartment, you should keep it clean. (If possible, hire a maid to come in once a week and make the place spotless.)

You should not be saddled with a lot of debt. And when you're hanging out with Asian women, you should mention your plans for the future and ambitions. She will then imagine herself as part of your future.

Basically, Western women are more likely to endure a guy who is a "slacker" or a "bad boy" who leads a chaotic lifestyle, or can't hold a job. Beautiful Asian women are repelled by this type of guy. It's very important for them to be with a man who is stable and secure, and can make them feel the same way.

You must always project a sense of calmness, confidence, masculinity and inner strength. Give her the sense that you are in firm control of your life and future. This will make you naturally attractive to hot Asian girls.
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