Society & Culture & Entertainment Reading & Book Reviews

Book Review For Men Only - Single Guy Tricks For Cooking Considered

Hey, being a single guy is not easy, and eating right is hard if you cannot cook well, still, there is a solution for everything.
Let me explain; the other day I ran across an extremely great book to help single guys get all they can eat and have healthy meals that are completely tasty for the rest of their lives.
Okay, let me solve this problem once and for all, by recommending an excellent book to you; "Cooking with All Things Trader Joe's" by Deana Gunn and Wona Miniati; published by Brown Bag Publishing LLC, Monrovia, CA; 2007; ISBN-10: 0979938406 or ISBN-13: 978-0979938405 (depending on paperback or hard bound edition).
This book is cool because it is fully illustrated, some 60-pages, with simple instructions too.
And best of all the sponsors of this book have all the ingredients available in their store.
Wondering the best type of wine to go with your meal, no problem, there are suggestions for that too.
And if you find an ingredient too costly or something you do not want to buy, well they have substitutions as well.
TraderJoe's also has the Fearless Flyer, every other month with fifteen recipes for free, and it is set up for the single guy or gal that wants to eat right, organic, and healthy.
If you are on a budget or want to eat great on the cheap, then I highly recommend the TraderJoe's cookbook, but also want you to know about the "Fearless Flyer" which is available at all trader joe markets at the counter.
The book claims "Mortal beings can now create the stuff of chefs, in minutes, using ingredients all from Trader Joe's.
Use TraderJoe's as your "prep kitchen" to make delicious home-cooked meals in just minutes.
From quinoa to capers, Marsala to Masala, tofu to turkey, it's all here.
Each recipe features Trader Joe's products, easy steps, and mouth-watering photos.
" If you are a single guy, let me tell you, you will love this book, and you can eat like a king! Please consider all this.
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