Society & Culture & Entertainment Reading & Book Reviews

The Mall Game

Listen and watch, study and learn,
the smallest to the largest, average to the brightest
of human brains, turn them loose to play
The Mall Game

It starts simply with a stroll down a mall street,
delectable treats known as stores line the way,
their best ware displayed in all its grandeur,
hoping to lure the unwary player

People of every size and shape, education and income,
are equal when they start down the mall street,
will soon become definable by the amount of their spending

Entertainment is cheap, drop off the kids, let them congregate and meet,
with security walking the mall street beat,
its much safer, than the city streets,
they are always welcome, usually the biggest spenders,

Everywhere you look signs say buy from me,
an accommodating player takes the bait,
demolishes their budget in one mall sweep,
a more frugal player, hesitates, waits,
will soon suffer, the same fate

This is a game of stop and go,
you enter a store one of two ways,
look and wonder, or, select and pay,
whatever the choice, the next stop is just down the way

In The Mall Game a penny earned is a penny spent,
if funds run short, it becomes a plastic day,
and, if all else fails, there's always a company in a lending way

In The Mall Game the object is spend,
to continue to shop, until, you reach the malls end

This is the game we play again and again,
the only winners, those who play the game
a penny earned is a penny saved,
they will be back and win again,
the rest will continue to fall prey,
in The Mall Game

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