Society & Culture & Entertainment Reading & Book Reviews

Choose the American Dream

Throughout the years the wormwood feasts upon the flesh\ of unsuspecting prey; the multitudes who unknowingly sway, believe the wretched lies of the day.
Parasitical attack on every front to consume and twist what patriots hold dear.
Infiltrate filth in every place of high regard.
Into sacred pulpit, mind, script, ambassadors, and even prized and sacred Harvard Yard.
Such depths of corruption do they sink to alter the way the masses think.
The sacred vows of the human heart are under attack of these brutish British beast.
Think not that you are outside of the grasp of their design because your leaders were appointed by the great Divine.
They have no respect for the sacred view of sheep who are easily deceived.
They study their sacred writings of yesterday to find ways around, twist, and to betray.
Be on guard against their treacherous schemes.
Don't believe their indoctrination of what seems.
Their true intent they skillfully disguise so the masses believe their malicious lies.
They push their deceit of the day to promote slavery, rot and decay.
The breaking dawn o'er ramparts gave, the iridescent hope to the free and the brave who dared to take a noble stand to free the enslaved mind of man.
The spark still burns within, I know.
The dream still lives down deep inside, for which our fathers lived and died.
This torch we now solemnly bear our inheritance they so bravely gave.
We'll keep it safe we solemnly swear, and pass it on to our young and others too, the dream our fathers knew.
This heritage we have, for which our fathers paid, wasn't just for us Americans.
They meant to free the world.
They nobly fought and earnestly sought to be a light upon a hill.
Now is the time for all good women and men to come to the aid of their country, to choose to stand for the right, for the survival of their sovereign nation, to choose an honorable system, to Choose the American Dream.
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