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Give Back Success

I LOVE Detroit and plan to Give Back Success! Recently, NBC News reported on the financial straits of Detroit; a short time later, Chelsea Clinton (President Clinton's daughter) visited Detroit's East side (where I grew up for 21 years) and displayed the horrific, photos of dilapidated and "War Zone Like" buildings, businesses, and houses.
There was an article (I can't remember the source) that stated that approximately 100 thousand of Detroit's Kindergarteners failed in school.
The youth unemployment rate is the highest in the Country.
All types of crimes are riddling the city.
Poverty is at an all time high.
Now, I know we can solve every problem that Detroit faces.
In Buddhism, there is a term " If it is going to be, it is up to me.
" I plan to solve the problems of the East Side of Detroit.
In my book, Disaster Master Plan: Prepare or Despair - It's Your Choice, on the Back Cover, "Goals: 1.
Provide information to everyone on how to prepare for disaster.
Assist in revitalizing Detroit, East Side Jefferson Street from Grosse Pointe to Belle Park.
" This is exactly what I will do.
I started a campaign: One Million Woman and Man Disaster Master Plan Campaign, to motivate the nation to prepare for disaster.
I sent President Obama, Vice-President Biden, and approximately 60 members of Congress a letter explaining the campaign and requesting their assistance in spreading the word.
I sent the Governor of Michigan and Mayor of Detroit a book and letter explaining that I will give one-half of all proceeds to charity, United Way of Southeastern Michigan to be used in Detroit's Revitalization Program.
I am appealing to all entertainers/professional athletes/artists/scientist/physicians/attorneys/professors/teachers/preachers and all successful people in every field that have become successful in Michigan to GIVE BACK SUCCESS.
Contact United Way of Southeastern Michigan to give as much as you can to get our beloved city back to beautification.
We can re-structure and build homes, condos, apartments, landscaping, etc.
Programs for the unemployed and training opportunities can be initiated with the funds.
Job retraining can be created for those under employed.
The Nursing shortage can be alleviated by encouraging college students to reevaluate their majors.
I joined a web site "DoSomething.
com" Please do something about this dilemma in Detroit.
I grew up on the East Side and attended Campbell Elementary School, Knudsen Junior School (lived across the street on Leland), and graduated from Southeastern High School on St.
My father was a construction worker and assisted in building the City County Building.
I served twenty-one years in the military (11-U.
Air Force and 10-U.
I resided in Farmington Hills, Michigan from 2006 - 2009.
We, (Husband, Donn, is a 23 year veteran and Bronze-Star recipient, and Son) moved to Greater Houston due our service-connected disabilities; one year, it was less that 10 degrees below zero with the wind chill factor - we had to MOVE.
- it was too COLD.
We visit Detroit in the summer time; I love and miss my family in Detroit.
Just because I reside elsewhere doesn't mean I can't assist financially.
Please do not turn your backs on Detroit which is the very place where you were given a great opportunity to become successful.
Our youth needs you; our homeless needs you; our elderly needs you; our disabled needs you.
You are NEEDED! Please Help! Thank you for assisting in revitalizing and improving Detroit.
Lorraine Holmes Milton
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