Most people today are looking for ways to rid their body of stubborn fat and doing some pretty crazy things to do it. Cabbage diet, lemonade diet, and I think one of the worst is HGH injections and not to mention the surgeries that are leaving people with vitamin and mineral deficiencies.
Most people that are carrying an extra 25 to hundred pounds of stubborn fat on their bodies and do not realize that it could be their bodies own defense mechanism causing this stubborn fat loss.
Let's face the facts!! According the Center for Disease Control (CDC) American's have doubled in obesity from 1995 to now. What has changed in that period of time to cause people to have so much stubborn fat loss?
There are several factors:
Our bodies are exposed to a very toxic environment, from the food we eat, water we drink, to the products we use on our skin. Most of us really do not realize what goes into the food and water every day, and what goes into the products that we put on our skin. Also, most people do not realize that your skin is the largest organ on your body. You should not put anything on your skin you wouldn't put in your mouth.
Plus, we are addicted to prescription drugs, the side effects alone can trigger the stubborn fat loss. How many over the counter drugs do you have in your house that you use on a regular basis?
The artificial sugars trick our bodies too, along with what they are made from like chlorine and formaldehyde; we have just made ourselves sicker instead of healthier. How many times have you went to a restaurant and ordered water to drink to "be more healthy" and then you add the lemon and some artificial sweetener also?
Most people say "Thank you for educating me I will start eating better". Unfortunately our food is nutritionally bankrupt and it is covered in pesticides, herbicides, and many more. What does cide mean? Cide in Latin means "DEATH". So not only are we killing everything in the soil and on the plants but we are killing the nutrients that are supposed to be in our foods.
At this point you might be thinking "What can I do?" The great new is there are now studies showing that there are safe, effective, fast ways of flooding the body with the RIGHT nutrition and cellular cleansing at the same time to allow the body to release the stubborn fat. As an example: You keep the lint trap of your dryer cleaned out so that it works properly and does not catch on fire. Once we clean out our filters/lint traps and release the toxins the body will automatically release the FAT!
I have another link here that you can go to and get a free report with more detail on what is causing the stubborn fat loss and some safe effective ways of how to eliminate stubborn fat loss forever.