Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Pregnancy Diet - What Not to Eat and How it Will Make You a Slim Sexy Mama in No Time

A pregnancy diet can be very beneficial while pregnant because it will promote your health and your baby.
But what about the foods that are detrimental to your weight loss but you don't know about them.
In this article you will know exactly what foods to avoid and why to avoid them.
What Foods To Avoid:
  • Anything made with white flour: White flour is very bad for your health.
    It does not add to your health, its what is called empty calories.
    Your body becomes congested and bloated, and it makes you gain weight.
    In some cases just stopping flour will be enough to lose those extra pounds.
Some might feel like its drastic to stop eating flour, then let me tell you this.
You know why flour is so affordable and cooks really fast? Because all the nutrient has been removed so cooking it would be fast, basically it has been bleached.
If you are worried about carbohydrate and think you need flour for that, well I've got news for you, the normal intake of carbohydrate that you need you can get from any leafy green vegetables.
IF you like bread, substitute it for bread that is totally made from whole grains and nuts.
Do not eat the normal brown bread.
It is useless, its just coloring.
The really good whole grain bread does not taste anything like the normal bread, that should give you a clue, it has a a lot a crunch and is more chewy.
  • Caffeine: Caffeine causes dehydration and this will make losing weight harder.
    So lessening your caffeine intake will help you with losing those extra pounds you couldn't lose.
  • Soft Drinks: Soft drinks are just like caffeine, stopping them will promote weight loss.
With the above 3 different foods to avoid, your body will be losing weight without the exercise! Because these foods slow down any kind of weight loss regimen.
And not only that, it could also cause serious damage to your health.
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