Health & Medical Self-Improvement

What is the Quest? The Pursuit of Excellence & the Quest Revealed

I had a gentleman asked me an interesting question yesterday, and thought I would take some time to answer it.
Interestingly, he asked me what The Quest is, meaning The Quest Revealed and The Internet Marketing Quest Revealed, of course.
In all the time I have been online, and in all the references I have made to The Quest Revealed and/or The Internet Marketing Quest Revealed, not one person has asked me that question.
That is, until Phil asked me yesterday.
The funny thing about it? I really didn't have a quick and easy answer.
So, it is probably a good thing no one has asked me before now! However, ever since Phil asked me, I have been able to think about little else.
So, here it is! The Quest, with a capital Q, is really a life story or at least a lifelong pursuit, primarily for excellence.
At first glance, that answer may seem cliché, even a bit trite.
I can assure you, it is not.
You see, for as long as I can remember, I have been fixated on the notion that most things in life are simply average, mediocre at best.
Unfortunately, the situation seems to be getting worse! By that I mean, we have almost become accepting of mediocrity, it has become the rule rather than the exception.
For that reason, it is actually easier to become successful in today's world, there is so little competition at the highest levels.
Interestingly, there are very few people actively engaged in the pursuit of anything approaching excellence, regardless of the field or endeavor, making it possible for those who make it a point to be excellent to succeed beyond their wildest dreams.
People pursuing greatness through excellence have very little competition.
Depending on who you listen to, somewhere between 5% and 20% of the population make between 80% and 95% of the income.
Regardless of whether you believe it is 20% to make 80% or 5% to make 95%, and frankly no one knows the actual numbers because the wealthiest and most successful don't broadcast their earnings, the fact remains that the air is quite thin at the peak, rarefied to be sure! Significantly, there not only appears to be a positive correlation between success and excellence, there also appears to be a causal relationship between excellence and the success experienced by those residing in the top 5% to 20% of the population.
All my life I have pursued excellence, the highest levels in whatever I was attempting to do or pursue at the time.
It has never been easy, but then success never is.
Interestingly, I heard something many years ago, in 1975 to be exact, and I heard it repeated recently by one of the Internet "gurus," I use that term with more than a grain of salt: "Success is hard, failure is harder!" That quote has been with me for more than 34 years now.
From the first time I heard it at a sales seminar put on by one of the Big 3 automakers, although I cannot remember which one, Ford, GM or Chrysler, I have remembered it and associated it with the pursuit of excellence.
Big 3! That's another lesson in excellence, isn't it? Success and failure, excellence and mediocrity! The terms are on opposite sides of the same equation, the Tao of Success, if you will, and it is up to you which side you will reside on.
Me? I made up my mind many years ago...
Excellence and success! In the next article in this series, I will discuss some of my early experiences and how they shaped my thinking and drive to be the best, to be excellent, at whatever I attempted.
Have I always been successful? Absolutely not! But the lessons I've learned may help you in much the same way they have me.
At least that is my hope.
It is my sincere belief that if you will take the time, the five or ten minutes tops it will take you to read these articles, you will gain some insight that will move you that much closer to success, through excellence.
I hope "The Quest" will "Reveal" as much for you as it has for me.
See you in the next edition of "The Quest...
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