"Love handles" as it is affectionately called are the ugly fat deposits found around the waistline.
Medical term for this is "Abdominal Obesity".
Love handles are visible both on men and women.
These are fats that are hard to get rid of despite the many different ways of spot reducing methods like exercises and pill intake.
Just like losing weight, one can lose love handles fast by changing lifestyle habits, watching out food intake and diligently doing exercises every day.
Cut Down on Calories.
It would be useless exercising like a psycho if one consumes more calories than burning it.
It is very important to cut down on food high in calories like cakes, chocolates, butter, soda and junk food.
Food that is also high in cholesterol like red meat should be avoided.
A person's diet should consist more of high fiber and low fat food so it would be easy for the body to burn instead of storing it as fat.
Drinking several glasses of water is also very important.
It helps in washing out the body's unwanted fat.
Get into Cardiovascular Exercises.
To lose love handles fast, it is important to increase the body's metabolism by getting into a cardiovascular exercise.
Whether enrolling in a gym or simply doing a 30 minute work out at home, it helps to be able to burn those unwanted fats.
You can also do some jogging or brisk walking that will help increase your body's metabolism.
Do Crunches.
After doing at least 30 minutes of cardiovascular work outs, it's time to do some crunches.
Crunches are exercises that concentrate more on your abdominal and pelvic muscles.
One good example is doing the elbow to knee crunches.
Lie on your back and lift your left leg over your right, twist your body and bring your right elbow to your knee.
Do as much repetition as you can.
Repeat on the other side.
Love handles will start firming up once your body's metabolism increases.
Finally, a simple way to avoid increase of love handles in your body is to walk around when your stomach is full.
After every meal, try to do some mild walking even just around your house before you sit or lie down.
It may seem difficult losing fats like love handles especially when results take a long time to come in.
All you need is to diligently watch what you eat and do your exercises everyday.
You will just be surprise with the results!
Medical term for this is "Abdominal Obesity".
Love handles are visible both on men and women.
These are fats that are hard to get rid of despite the many different ways of spot reducing methods like exercises and pill intake.
Just like losing weight, one can lose love handles fast by changing lifestyle habits, watching out food intake and diligently doing exercises every day.
Cut Down on Calories.
It would be useless exercising like a psycho if one consumes more calories than burning it.
It is very important to cut down on food high in calories like cakes, chocolates, butter, soda and junk food.
Food that is also high in cholesterol like red meat should be avoided.
A person's diet should consist more of high fiber and low fat food so it would be easy for the body to burn instead of storing it as fat.
Drinking several glasses of water is also very important.
It helps in washing out the body's unwanted fat.
Get into Cardiovascular Exercises.
To lose love handles fast, it is important to increase the body's metabolism by getting into a cardiovascular exercise.
Whether enrolling in a gym or simply doing a 30 minute work out at home, it helps to be able to burn those unwanted fats.
You can also do some jogging or brisk walking that will help increase your body's metabolism.
Do Crunches.
After doing at least 30 minutes of cardiovascular work outs, it's time to do some crunches.
Crunches are exercises that concentrate more on your abdominal and pelvic muscles.
One good example is doing the elbow to knee crunches.
Lie on your back and lift your left leg over your right, twist your body and bring your right elbow to your knee.
Do as much repetition as you can.
Repeat on the other side.
Love handles will start firming up once your body's metabolism increases.
Finally, a simple way to avoid increase of love handles in your body is to walk around when your stomach is full.
After every meal, try to do some mild walking even just around your house before you sit or lie down.
It may seem difficult losing fats like love handles especially when results take a long time to come in.
All you need is to diligently watch what you eat and do your exercises everyday.
You will just be surprise with the results!