Society & Culture & Entertainment Society & Culture Misc

Do Emergency Responders All Need Bullet Proof Vests Now?

Okay, it's a Monday morning - WE ALL hate Monday mornings...
it means schedules, work, whatever...
Second, here in the Midwest it has gone from flooding to dry, humid and over 100 degrees (at least constant 90s) - agreed, it's miserable (and my son says if he dies at baseball camp today it's all my fault).
Third, it's been a full moon for a week (and I do believe in its affects on people).
Finally, we are in a spiralling downward economy - depressive for us all for our own reasons.
Yep - not a fun summer if I say so myself and I LOVE Summer! But what is this world coming to? Sure, we have tons of excuses for not being happy right now.
Sure, some of us are worse off than others (hey - I have a HUGE sob story to tell) BUT when and WHY is it okay to take our frustration out on so many innocent people? My husband had spent more than 2 months in the University Hospital here and one day the heli-vac team came flying in.
They brought a wounded EMT worker to the room next to him.
This man was doing his job - he went to work to help US - the public whom he doesn't know anything about.
He ended his day in the hospital with gun shot wounds because he received an emergency call to help someone who had been shot (apparently, the opposing party / or shooter didn't care for the help the victim was getting).
He was just doing his job..
Now, Today, a 22 year old fireman (10 months on the force - born to be a fireman they said) gets up goes to work on a blazing car fire.
His job - to put out the fire for someone in need - someone he doesn't know, someone who has requested his help.
He does this NOT for the pay let me assure you (we don't pay any of these people well enough for the danger they place their lives in)!He does this because he DESIRES to be a public servant and HELP US! Wish there were more like him...
someone willing to put his life on the line for me - a person he doesn't know (just like our military, police, EMTs).
Except TODAY this young man ISN'T going home...
he doesn't even get the chance to make it to the hospital for a recovery stay.
He is shot and his family has lost a son, a brother, a friend..
FOR WHAT? Unfortunately, it's not just him who is hurt - 2 of our police officers "go down" in this brutal, needless attack as well.
Last week, I spent my week educating over 250 people at local corporations on personal safety and anti-victimization.
The sad part about today is that no matter how "prepared" you are, no matter who you are or your "size" when you are "ambushed" there is really no way to protect yourself..
So, I guess on this sad, warm, Midwestern afternoon I ask 3 questions:1.
Do we need to now arm ALL Emergency workers so they are prepared for an attack (even when they are just going to put out a fire or help someone in need?) 2.
Do these public servants ALL need to start wearing bullet proof vests? 3.
If you are mad, upset, suicidal - shoot YOURSELF, someone will miss you - why do you feel the need to take so many innocent lives with you? How and when, as a society, do we say enough is enough and make this behavior an unacceptable form of behavior instead of one that is centered around the perpetrator so that he dies in a "blaze of glory" with his name living on in the media?
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