I wake up every morning knowing I can't do nothing you get idea and tomorrow I'm going to give you another struggle Hudson you really fun one I right here any let's get out of here I think the video showed how far overcome and it was very cool Chris to do that by I still and really nervous about writing kilometers it's not it's not a short distance I think about today is prominent banker you want to author of The Little India snap when you went on bike ride with me for one hour and you clearly do it doesn't have especial short the protector John me yet have a short man in whatever thank you to hell that I cannot climb and then what.
I do nonsense trained Park it or not going to fail him into power for what happened I can then is like a letdown everyone good arms versus bad card there is such thing now cards I white flower sugar refined carbohydrates good crabs are the ones that are high in fiber those whole grain products such as brown rice and whole grain pasta whole grain bread beans lentils all those kind of carbohydrates digest very slowly so people don't get hungry for a long-ruling the time look for a serial for at least six grams of fiber and bread for at least three be even now have double fiber bread for bread products that up to eight grams ship for grams of fiber and a to get those good crabs in your diet does so well the last six months and she shows it but this milestone it's about busting tumid of for potential again the lead nervous today.
The only thing that worries me is that if she allows herself to sleep at it we're going to it let's hope the McDonnell in the first 15 kilometers and without doubt that is the most difficult part of the right that's an ascent from to and if you can make it to that you can finish the self mom we're going to take up this way it's one big blue all the way around I've got a sign over there says kilometers me right before this bridge stand right here okay you're ready alright that you may come here it's fitted the most accurate is miles and kilometers at 64.8 miles this whole thing is set up to be a challenge to milestone it is opportunity for her to experience your body but also to push her beyond what she thinks she's capable of doing again a five-star I do the I'm riding his love you all I okay is that compares Bonnie Wright again right John Real X Renew list time Ireland the roads are so yeah loll and with the cards are driving on the left hand side road.
I do nonsense trained Park it or not going to fail him into power for what happened I can then is like a letdown everyone good arms versus bad card there is such thing now cards I white flower sugar refined carbohydrates good crabs are the ones that are high in fiber those whole grain products such as brown rice and whole grain pasta whole grain bread beans lentils all those kind of carbohydrates digest very slowly so people don't get hungry for a long-ruling the time look for a serial for at least six grams of fiber and bread for at least three be even now have double fiber bread for bread products that up to eight grams ship for grams of fiber and a to get those good crabs in your diet does so well the last six months and she shows it but this milestone it's about busting tumid of for potential again the lead nervous today.
The only thing that worries me is that if she allows herself to sleep at it we're going to it let's hope the McDonnell in the first 15 kilometers and without doubt that is the most difficult part of the right that's an ascent from to and if you can make it to that you can finish the self mom we're going to take up this way it's one big blue all the way around I've got a sign over there says kilometers me right before this bridge stand right here okay you're ready alright that you may come here it's fitted the most accurate is miles and kilometers at 64.8 miles this whole thing is set up to be a challenge to milestone it is opportunity for her to experience your body but also to push her beyond what she thinks she's capable of doing again a five-star I do the I'm riding his love you all I okay is that compares Bonnie Wright again right John Real X Renew list time Ireland the roads are so yeah loll and with the cards are driving on the left hand side road.