To revive means to bring back to life.
That is exactly what is happening all over the world right now.
Individual Christians, churches, cities, and denominations that have been spiritually dead have been coming back to life with new passion for the Lord.
Even in Europe, which has been a graveyard for Christianity for many years, where economic depression has robbed people of their earthly possessions, many of them show no fear or worry, because they are so happy about what God is doing in their lives.
The greatest move of God is coming upon the earth before the end of this age.
It is not happening because of any doctrine or any big personality, but only because God Himself is moving.
More people are talking about God and His Presence than about miracles and blessings.
While the world is becoming more and more fearful, we must learn to throw off anxiety and fear.
I Peter 5:6-7, "Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you at the proper time, casting all your anxiety upon Him, because He cares for you.
" People are finding that when they lose everything on earth, their lives become more simple, and they are able to experience God more and in greater depth.
Their loss of much because of economic problems becomes the key God uses to bring them to a much richer and happier life! One person who gets closer to God and starts walking in His purpose can start a fire that revives his family and then his whole church> A church on fire can revive a whole community and then maybe even a whole city.
I have six children, and each one is different.
I have a different, and special relationship with each one of them.
God also gets something unique and special from His relationship with each one of us.
He is so big, but still stoops down to touch and love each of us, to care for us, to show Himself to us.
We can touch his heart deeply simply by prayer: "the prayer of the upright is His delight" (Prov 15:8).
If we want to experience His power and presence in a deeper way, we need only keep the most important thing most important...
to love God.
In Mt 24:14 the Lord said, "And this Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in the whole world for a witness to all the nations, and then the end shall come.
" This means the end of this age, not the end of the world.
This age will end with the greatest time of trouble the world has ever known, because the Lord said in Mt 13:39, "the harvest is the end of the age.
" That means the harvest of all the seeds that man has planted.
They will all grow up and produce the fruit that was planted, both good and evil.
Therefore, we can expect to see the greatest clash of light and darkness at the end.
This great war of light and darkness should not discourage us but rather encourage us because we know our redemption is coming soon.
If darkness is growing, we must also be growing in the light.
Are we still growing spiritually? Paul tells us in 2 Cor 13:5 to "test yourselves to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves.
" One of the best ways to test ourselves is found in Prov 4:18, "But the path of the righteous is like the light of dawn, that shines brighter and brighter until the full day.
" Are we walking in brighter and brighter light? Do we see God's path before us more and more clearly? If not, then we have left His path, and we need to go back to where we left it and get back on it.
Prov 4:19, "the way of the wicked is like darkness; they do not know over what they stumble.
" Both light and darkness are increasing in the world, and we can expect it to become more and more clear who is walking in each of them.
Those walking in the light will have more confidence, and boldness in where they are going, but those walking in darkness are going to be stumbling more and more.
The path of the righteous is a straight and narrow path.
It is a clear and specific road that is actually the highway to the kingdom.
How do we get on this road and stay on it? Mt 6:33, "But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added to you.
" If we make all of our major decisions based on this one principle, we will stay on the path of the righteous, walking toward His kingdom.
If we are making the major decisions in our lives based on our own desires or the desires of other people who want us to do their will, we will be stumbling over things we do not see because we are not walking on the path of the righteous.
If we are on the right path, it will be more and more clear to us which way to go and what to do, and we will have more and more confidence and peace in our lives.
You can be a Christian, go to church all the time, read your Bible, pray, lead others to Christ, and even cast out demons and do many miracles, yet not be on the path of life.
The Lord made this clear in Mt 7:21-23 (READ).
The Apostle Paul made the greatest statement of his life's devotion in Phil 3:7-14 (READ).
If losing all of our things causes us to get closer to the Lord, it will be worth it many times over.
If we would pursue the Lord not matter how much or how little we have, He would trust us with much more.
In any case, nothing would count as anything except "garbage" compared to the opportunity we all have to know the Lord.
What could possibly be anything better to run after?
That is exactly what is happening all over the world right now.
Individual Christians, churches, cities, and denominations that have been spiritually dead have been coming back to life with new passion for the Lord.
Even in Europe, which has been a graveyard for Christianity for many years, where economic depression has robbed people of their earthly possessions, many of them show no fear or worry, because they are so happy about what God is doing in their lives.
The greatest move of God is coming upon the earth before the end of this age.
It is not happening because of any doctrine or any big personality, but only because God Himself is moving.
More people are talking about God and His Presence than about miracles and blessings.
While the world is becoming more and more fearful, we must learn to throw off anxiety and fear.
I Peter 5:6-7, "Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you at the proper time, casting all your anxiety upon Him, because He cares for you.
" People are finding that when they lose everything on earth, their lives become more simple, and they are able to experience God more and in greater depth.
Their loss of much because of economic problems becomes the key God uses to bring them to a much richer and happier life! One person who gets closer to God and starts walking in His purpose can start a fire that revives his family and then his whole church> A church on fire can revive a whole community and then maybe even a whole city.
I have six children, and each one is different.
I have a different, and special relationship with each one of them.
God also gets something unique and special from His relationship with each one of us.
He is so big, but still stoops down to touch and love each of us, to care for us, to show Himself to us.
We can touch his heart deeply simply by prayer: "the prayer of the upright is His delight" (Prov 15:8).
If we want to experience His power and presence in a deeper way, we need only keep the most important thing most important...
to love God.
In Mt 24:14 the Lord said, "And this Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in the whole world for a witness to all the nations, and then the end shall come.
" This means the end of this age, not the end of the world.
This age will end with the greatest time of trouble the world has ever known, because the Lord said in Mt 13:39, "the harvest is the end of the age.
" That means the harvest of all the seeds that man has planted.
They will all grow up and produce the fruit that was planted, both good and evil.
Therefore, we can expect to see the greatest clash of light and darkness at the end.
This great war of light and darkness should not discourage us but rather encourage us because we know our redemption is coming soon.
If darkness is growing, we must also be growing in the light.
Are we still growing spiritually? Paul tells us in 2 Cor 13:5 to "test yourselves to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves.
" One of the best ways to test ourselves is found in Prov 4:18, "But the path of the righteous is like the light of dawn, that shines brighter and brighter until the full day.
" Are we walking in brighter and brighter light? Do we see God's path before us more and more clearly? If not, then we have left His path, and we need to go back to where we left it and get back on it.
Prov 4:19, "the way of the wicked is like darkness; they do not know over what they stumble.
" Both light and darkness are increasing in the world, and we can expect it to become more and more clear who is walking in each of them.
Those walking in the light will have more confidence, and boldness in where they are going, but those walking in darkness are going to be stumbling more and more.
The path of the righteous is a straight and narrow path.
It is a clear and specific road that is actually the highway to the kingdom.
How do we get on this road and stay on it? Mt 6:33, "But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added to you.
" If we make all of our major decisions based on this one principle, we will stay on the path of the righteous, walking toward His kingdom.
If we are making the major decisions in our lives based on our own desires or the desires of other people who want us to do their will, we will be stumbling over things we do not see because we are not walking on the path of the righteous.
If we are on the right path, it will be more and more clear to us which way to go and what to do, and we will have more and more confidence and peace in our lives.
You can be a Christian, go to church all the time, read your Bible, pray, lead others to Christ, and even cast out demons and do many miracles, yet not be on the path of life.
The Lord made this clear in Mt 7:21-23 (READ).
The Apostle Paul made the greatest statement of his life's devotion in Phil 3:7-14 (READ).
If losing all of our things causes us to get closer to the Lord, it will be worth it many times over.
If we would pursue the Lord not matter how much or how little we have, He would trust us with much more.
In any case, nothing would count as anything except "garbage" compared to the opportunity we all have to know the Lord.
What could possibly be anything better to run after?